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Mike Bernizzle

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Washington, DC
  • Occupation
    DC Fire and EMS

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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested

Mike Bernizzle's Achievements

  1. Ahhh... after over 3 long years, I'll finally get a chance to see Distant Worlds again! I bought tickets to the March 2008 Chicago show, but was unable to go due to last minute complications. HORRIBLE! The music that brought so much joy and emotion in my life, from my favorite composer! I look forward to being able to finally experience it in person!
  2. Thanks guys. Right now my comp is using a Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS. I bought the comp before I got into working with DAW's, so I didnt know what I woould need. My case seems to be fairly well sized. Is the Audigy I have decent, at least? Should I be adjusting any ASIO settings on it?
  3. I recently put Cubase SX on my comp, and have been having some issues with latency, and I'm not sure why. I took some MIDI technology classes at a local college, and i think my computer is superior to the ones we used, but mine has more issues. I have a dual core pentium Dell, a gig of ram. I get major latency with things as simple as moving the volume sliders up and down, or stopping the track (music plays for a couple seconds afterwards). Is it a driver problem? Any help would be appreciated. Mike B.
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