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Everything posted by Fury

  1. ... Amazing... That's all I've gotta say. I'll definitely go buy that album...
  2. I've made about 4 to 5 different tracks already... want feedback on how I'm doing. 2 completed ones are on my homepage... http://myspace.com/kong724music - Yeah... MySpace... I had no other choice - couldn't find any free webhosts. ~_~... And as for the works in progress... I'd like for someone to email or contact me through AIM or MSN if he/she would like to hear em. Enjoy? -Sovany Kong (Nick/Fury)
  3. Yo. The name's Sovany Kong... but you can call me Nick... DJ Fury... Fury... Fried Rice... whatever you prefer... I like a lot of things... and I hate a lot of things... Heheh... Let me be a little more specific with this - I like a lot of things including music, martial arts, and anime (not a really big fan of it as I used to be...). I'd like to post some of my works here, but they aren't remixes, so yeah~~~ Looking forward to meeting you all. To the ladies of OCR: Hi there! XDD
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