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Posts posted by kakos32

  1. Decent concept and arrangement, very meh execution/production. The sounds by themselves aren't bad, it's mainly the way they're sitting in the mix that's annoying (I hope the panning issues aren't because of the newgrounds upload otherwise what I'm writing below here is pretty futile :P)

    The drums panned left are a VERY bad idea IMO, it makes the whole mix feel lopsided and is almost painful to listen to on headphones. The kick and most likely the snare should really be dead center, and the other drums should be panned around that (though not too widely). As for guitars, record your rhythm part twice, place one hard left and the other one hard right. Bass should be panned dead center as well.

    This particular setup has so many advantages that it's basically the industry standard for rock music: you get a wide stereo field because of the hard-panned guitars (which sound huge as well because of the doubling), while keeping the center open for the drums and bass.

    When you have a version with correct stereo balancing I'll be able to comment on the rest of your mix ;)

    Alright , thanks for everyone's reviews , i will try and mess around more with the volume levels.

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