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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Andrew Meeks
  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Occupation
    Highschool Student

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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio

Andruth's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hay guise! I'm not technically new here, as I joined a few years back, but I haven't been on the forums or done much of anything involving OCR since then, so I've decided to reintroduce myself. When I originally came here I was writing music in Anvil Studio, and was a silly 14 year old. Now I'm a pro 16 year old using Fruity Loops Studio, heh. Definitely. Anyways, hay etc., and I was wondering if there is anywhere I could post non-ReMixes to get legitimate feedback on them (Most probably outside of OC). I haven't worked up to writing any ReMixes yet, or at least anything I would want anybody to hear. As everyone here probably has many times more experience than me, I would like to wait a bit before attempting anything, and I would like to know where I am at. Thanks. And hay again.
  2. I find the usage of those short forms to be a bit annoying. It really degrades a person's outlook. Like, I'm really into mmorpg's and other online games, because I like to play games with other people. I don't like talking to people who talk like that, it makes them look stupid, to be blunt. It's funny that I usually type at least twice as fast as everyone else who talks in short forms, so even when I type with perfect grammer, spelling, and punctuation, I still type faster than the other people. I use computers way too much, but it's just too much fun. I also love the video game genre of music... lyricless techno, I guess. I find that most lyrics in songs are degrading. I like video game music, because for one it usually has no lyrics, and two, it always has some melody and keeps to it, changing it a bit in a predictable fashion. I also dislike random things, or chaos. Songs that I listen to many times become better for me each time I listen, because it becomes more predictable.
  3. Hey. I'm new here, and it's a bit nerve racking, considering you all (or at least most of you) are older than me, me being 14 and all. Anyways, I've been listening to the songs here for the past few months, and I just decided to join. I have at least 40 of these songs on my mp3 player, and although the other kids at school find it odd that I may be listening to video game music, the songs here can be very good. I want to make songs like these when I get older, as I'm starting to get into the programming bis myself. I can make small .midi files, and small computer programs. I'm hoping to eventually make songs as good as some of the ones here, as a large amount are proffesional, and could help me with my future proffesion. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing before you decided to read this, as it's late, and I've got school tomorrow . See ya.
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