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  • Location
    Decatur Ill.

DJ-VGamer's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Doom's the sickest Before I go, In a game track I care mostly the beats, What I want to know is which music composer is the best for making beats on
  2. Thanks man
  3. I got ?, I have mixed some music together, mainly Rap accapellas with Video Game tracks, I want to know if these Mixes are OK to Post up. Soon I'll be making my own remixes and I want to know what music composers do some of you use. (If done on a CPU)
  4. Wussup, I known in every site I join as DJ-VGamer, and Video Games and Music are the two things I enjoy, hence the name DJ-VGamer . I've found this site a few mothns ago and I seen some sick remixes, Favorit: Unknown From M.C.
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