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Posts posted by russ

  1. First off I'd like to go ahead and jump on the "this is the coolest collection of remixes ever" bandwagon. Seriously though, the songs span so many different genres and manage to be both great individually and as a whole.

    Regarding Joker's "Before the Storm": Although I enjoy the original Death Egg Zone tracks, I really appreciate this one as well. Joker managed to blend in some of his own original interpretation with the main theme of the original track. You seriously can't tell me the beginning of his song isn't cool. I've had Project Chaos playing in my car for a few weeks, and with some nice subwoofers, the intro is just frighteningly awesome. Good work.

    And personally, my favorite track of the lot is house's Walk on Water. The jazzy/prog rock feel of it just grabs me by the nuts. In fact, I'm working on restoring my paypal balance just so I can buy house's new CD, so I can officially own something with that track on it. (edit: I love all of your other remixes too, but you know what I mean)

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