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    Milwaukee, WI

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  1. Sorry about the lack of any update on this little project of mine, I recently had some family trouble and haven't had the time I thought I would to continue the project. Anyway, everything is still a go, but nothing probably will happen until after the holidays. My apologies again and just keep your eyes open for some more news.
  2. Well you know where to find me. no offense, but i'm not going to OK your account until you're officially a part of the project. Oh yeah, no problem, I didn't read that you stopped accepting account registrations until after I tried to register. Sorry if you guys thought I was trying to weasel my way in, lol.
  3. Anything you wish as long as it is related to VG music, but like I said, some exceptions can be made if I like the idea of the site. I don't have unlimited resources so that is why I am limiting the hosting in this way.
  4. No one else wants to comment? Hehe, anyway I am definitely going through with getting this started and I am pretty positive that it will be up by next week. Thanks again for the comments, see you guys soon.
  5. Well you know where to find me.
  6. www.thespareroom.com www.ocr-backlot.com Thanks Abadoss and bring em on guys!
  7. I am off to bed soon and I have decided that I will get the ball rolling soon on this little project of mine, until then I have a favor to ask of the community... Think of a great domain/site name and post it, I might even give a prize to the winning suggestion. Anyway I am done for the night, peace.
  8. I must say that I am very excited about this project and I wish you all good luck in getting it done. If you need anything in terms of hosting, let me know. View my thread for more info.. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=96646&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
  9. I am not offering domain names(at least not yet), but I was offering hosting. The domain name reference I made was regarding making the hosting more official in terms of it actually being a site and not some sub-domain of an old site I used to have. Sorry for the confusion. EDIT: Unless I am misunderstanding what you are saying, if so please clarify.
  10. After much thinking, I am considering making this a little bit more "official" in a way. By that I mean starting a site to specifically host OCR members content, not using some leftover domain name but getting a new one to represent that. So far the response is great and I might just get going on it tonight, who knows. Before I go all nuts with buying domains and such I need to know if you think I will be stepping on anyone's toes with a project like this. How do you think the OCR Overlords would react to me creating the site? Please discuss and if any officials care to comment that would be great!
  11. Ah good question, I am thinking at min a few gigs per person depending on what needs to be hosted, I would prefer not to get taken advantage of if you know what I mean. Also, bandwidth is not an issue so long as it doesn't hog too many system resources as mentioned previously. EDIT: I should also mention that it will be hosted on a shared server account that I own, so if someone does something stupid such as hosting porn or piracy related material, we would all get shutdown including myself.
  12. LMAO I agree BTW, I'd rather see brit clit than old naked gay men bleeding *shudders* Feel free to continue this discussion in unmod. Heh, I know don't worry.
  13. Speaking of which, I have no problems hosting music files and download speeds from my host are excellent and it's normally your max downloading speed. I'm only going to hosting like 4 for the time being. Each are roughly between 70 - 100mb. I hope that doesn't make too big a difference Nope, sounds fine, I don't mind how much you toss on there as long as it doesn't occupy too much CPU time and since it would just be direct downloads I am assuming from static pages or none at all, that shouldn't be a problem as well. Great! Just PM me when you have an idea when this is all to take place No problem, like I said if the demand is high(so far so good) I could have this done no later than next week Monday if not sooner.
  14. LMAO I agree REMOVED: Too inappropriate for GenDisc, my apologies. Although I was referring to something that occurred in UnMod.
  15. Lol, you know you love the brit clit
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