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Posts posted by Armagedon

  1. If you just want to record acoustic instruments, a cardioid condensers mic might be better than a SM57. If you want to close mic like brass or do amplified electric instruments, go with the SM57 or something similar.

    Agreed for the most part. It really depends on the what you are going for and what instruments might be interested in recording. SM57 is used a lot in live performance for bands(for both accoustic and electric. However, they are also good for rythmic setups as well. Such as drum sets(aside from your kick)

  2. ugh...sorry sucks at 12:30 in the morning lol. Plus, I personally don't use those two programs...althoug I mispell Sibelius all the time. I edited it up top btw.

    I had just been wondering whether or not people used finale or other notation programs in conjunction with sampling programs and such.

    I also should have asked whether or not they prefer them, but it slipped my mind at the time. Anyways, Just wondering because personally I use Finale to write music before sampling with Reason.

  3. I dont know if this has been asked. I tried to look around for a thread but didnt see anything. If i was just blind i apologize for remaking this thread.

    Does anyone use finale or Sibelius to arrange their remixes before moving to like reason or fruity loops?

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