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Speaker for the Dead

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    Speaker for the Dead

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  1. I admit, I've said owned or pwned in normal conversation, but that's not the worst. I used to always refer to money as Zenny. Luckily, everyone around me knew what I meant, but it drove one of my friends nuts. Ironically, he was the first one to get the reference. That's a Mega Man fanatic for ya.
  2. What about Mega Man 2 (since I'm forcing myself not to bring up the MMX debate again)? Kenji Inafune himself said it was the best Mega Man game he made, and he's constantly striving to make one that was as good, if not better. Greatest of the Mega Man Original series music, most popular boss weapon (Metal Blade), and usually is the one game that other Mega Man fanatics play that hooks them to the series I also think Mega Man Zero 2 was better than the first, though the 3rd and 4th weren't quite as good. And whoever said Spider-Man 2 (the movie) was better than the first needs to watch the two again. The first was better.
  3. By now most, if not all, of OCRemixers and listeners know that there exists a song by the Rabbit Joint that, for the longest, was mistakenly credited to System of a Down. But I've just come across a new song that seems to be suffering a similar fate, and yes, it's a Legend of Zelda theme. This one is credited to Apocalyptica, and usually just goes by that name ("Apocalyptica Zelda theme" or something similar). The song clocks in at 4:44, though the only place I can find the track online has it longer, here. Is this just another OCRemix that I overlooked, or perhaps a remix from someone else? According to the forums for Apocalyptica, this song is not theirs. Where does it come from?
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