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Posts posted by KogeJoe

  1. Honestly, you need to get good players before attempting anything like this. I could hear the good intentions, but this piece falls flat on its face.

    Forget the out of tune strings, where's the bass when I needed it? Left the lone guitar out to dry. Perhaps you made the last runs easier on the violin? It really sucks when people can't get the melody right...

    Sorry, this is one of my favorite Metroid tunes, and it was ruined. Absolutely ruined.

    Don't do a Metroid piece ever again.

  2. Actually, I can hear several game melodies in this one... the opening countermelody reminds me of Zelda: Link's Awakening (when you wake the Windfish). The main melody, isn't that also a part of Brinstar from Super Metroid? And then, in ANOTHER melody that seems to appear, or at least sound similar, is Diddy's Kong Quest's Hot Head Hop theme. And then of course you have original prime themes weave in and out... really a cool re-mix.

  3. I just wanted to quote an author... I believe it's "Sam?"

    "When I did play the game, it was via emulator, and when I got to Norfair hahahah I certainly noticed the music. Immediately I had to stop playing and f!@# around on my keyboard. When you hear something exciting, it's an itch that must be scratched to take it to the piano."

    Just wanted to suggest he listen to the "Topsy Turvy" track in Little Nemo: The Dream Master? If he liked Norfair from Metroid, he just might like this and improvise on it.

    Thanks for listening...

  4. You're RIGHT. It's as annoying as pink-eye. No-matter how hard you rub and rub, it JUST WON'T GO AWAY!

    By they way, I'm a gamer, and I LOVE Kirby + other Halken games, and I think this re-mix SUCKS the big one. Actually, I never really liked this song. It's in the first level, which means you hear this EVERYTIME you start to play the game. It was OK, but it wasn't like one of those songs I was happy to turn the game on to. It's just cute and bouncy, and it serves the purpose of introducing our hero for the first time. You even hear allusions to it in the title theme.

    You know it's one of your favorite tracks when you can't wait to get to the level, JUST to hear the music. Music on Kirby games that was like that for me include, of course, the Floating Islands and the Bubbly Clouds. KDL my most favorite was the Cloudy Park. For some reason I seemed to like each and every track on KDL3. Love Jun Ishikawa and Hirokazu Ando music...

  5. I actually liked this. Loved the set-up, keeps the melody and chords true to the source.

    But you know what would have been cool? If you had added on the beach music from the other games in Superstar. (Namely, Sir Metakight's Revenge) If you notice, both original sources have the same kind of percussion beat. And meTHINKS they're in the same key, allowing for a smooth segway.

    But nice work! The Floating Islands track has been one of my faves ever since Kirby's Dreamland for the GameBoy back in 19-who-knows-when... Halken has also done a great job of re-releasing the track in different games in different re-mixes... (Kirby's Dreamcourse, Kirby Superstar, Kirby's Dreamland 2, etc...)

  6. For a moment, I thought the song was actually gonna kick ass.

    The countermelody could have been in a better synth. Started liking the rhythm and the quietness of it all. However, I HATED the new chord progression. Puts the original progression to shame. Nothing wrong with trying out a new progression, but the new one just SUCKED. I really let down.

    Nice usage of the tremolo organ in the middle. The original chords were kept then... guess makes up for it...

  7. Hah hah!!! I hated this song in the original game.

    But it's like, the only Amazon re-mix on here, and I was just curious to hear what they did with it.

    VERY surprised. I would have never thought of re-mixing it in this genre. The whole time I felt I was at this Hawa'iian luau. The chords of the song just lend themselves to it too!

    It WOULD be interesting to hear this live, with like a real slide guitar and everything.


  8. Has a typical remix feel to it...

    EXCEPT... the usage of real instruments. The cello definitely takes the cake. Also, the improvised melody with the keyboard instruments. In the middle, there's a quiet but prominent suitcase piano instrument... can't put my leg on it right now, but it gives the melody a kind of cozy feel to it. Right about that point it gives me the feeling of sitting down, eating or enjoying coffee at a busy diner in the middle of a large city. There's bustling all about, but I'm able to sit down and talk and/or read the paper...

  9. Let me be honest with you. It really peeves me whenever I hear a re-mix is not in the original key of the source. It's the first thing I catch. Next is accuracy. How closely is this person following the main melody? The chords? The base?

    So at first I was like, "...oh no... here we go...," but then the sexxy saxx starts playing and it gets my attention. The accoustic guitar could be delayed electric, but I'm liking it either way... by the time it gets to that bossa-nova part, I just about cream my pants!!! LORD! THIS is what I call a DECENT remix. And then the guitar solo after that. AWH haw haw. (Picture Homer Simpson savoring his chocolate...)

    Only thing I go "huh?" about is the random insertion of Chrono Trigger's Frog Theme. Uh... WHY??? I mean, it's on key and everything... but why? So random.

    Other than that, WHOAH. Dude. This is professional work. I'm surprised I could download this for FREE and you don't have RIAA breathing down our necks.

    I say again, m8, good show.

  10. Uh!!! I was gonna say how much I HATED the scratched record thing at the beginning. The piano is nothing short of extravagant, but the record thing has been done a little too much IMO. Like, is that like a pre-requisite for a re-mix? "Rule no. 1 - Must have record thing... check!" Right up there with quick doubled up snares...

    But you know, as a whole, this re-mix is BEATIFUL. I really love it.

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