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Posts posted by Xbob42

  1. Do we know for sure that this is legit? I've only listened through Concrete Man's stage because I want to save most of it for when I play through it (hopefully soon!)

    Yeap, that's all the real stuff. And it's nice, too!

    I wanted to wait until I had the game too... But then I heard some of it... and couldn't stop.

    It was like crack....

  2. Garry's Mod <3.

    Exactly what I was thinking when I made that post. Can you imagine how cool this game could be if it delivers on the customization/physics aspect?

    And if they throw in something similar to Gary's mod, where you could go online and freeform design levels and the aspects of the world your level is based in? Gravity alteration, weight modification, velocity intensity, QUANTUM ELEVATION.

    Oops, just wet myself, brb.

  3. This song is amazing and epic? Know what enhances that even more? AudioSurf.

    Man, it's one of my favorite tunes to play on there. It just feels like (as stated above) I saved the universe and I got this track as a reward - and it was completely worth it, cause the women hear it, and now they want to hop in my Kart.

    Er, yeah, awesome mix budd(ies/y). :)

  4. Couldn't care less about the original games, 3D-platforming ain't my thing, but something that gets me going is the building. I mean, gummi ships in kingdom hearts (1 AND 2!) was like the best thing that ever happened to me so the more energy they put on making the building/collecting part good the more I'd wanna get this game.

    That's a joke right? I hated the Gummi Ships in Kingdom Hearts because it was so utterly pointless. It didn't matter what you did with your ship because the gummi missions were boring and far too easy. (Which is good, because if they were boring and difficult, I probably never would have beat it due to burn-out.)

    This, however, looks like it could lead to hours of maniacal fun for one reason. Everything is based on physics. Building your own physics machine? Awesome. Totally awesome.

    I never cared for the original two Banjo games, felt like generic platformers to me, but this looks like it could have some spunk to it. Kind of hard to say at this point, but if anything, I can only imagine the only havoc that could ensue by building game-breaking machines. :)

  5. I think it's pretty safe to say that Pity Smashes are either part of the Handicap system or can be turned off. Obviously if you can turn Smash Balls (Heh, that sounds funny... Smash balls...) off then logically there'd be a way to turn Pity Smash off. Even then, a "significant" point advantage sounds like you'd have to be kicking the crap out of someone to get a Pity Smash, and even then, they're not guaranteed it. At least this is how I interpret it.

    Just how bad do you people need to whoop someone?!

  6. Nintendo could buy out Vivendi with cash to spare... Take 24 Billion, pay their stockholders a little extra, and voila... a new, giant monster company.

    Yes but Nintendo doesn't buy people. They like people to fight over who can buy them. ;) Playing hard to get makes them feel sexy.

  7. I'm only talking about... playable characters. I wish Saki belonged to that category, but alas... maybe next time.

    Ah, hadn't noticed that he was an assist trophy until I went back and noted the bottom of that particular update. Sneaky wording. Ah well, never played Sin & Punishment so I can't say it's too big a loss for me.

    Well we certainly can't expect there to be enough new things in the game for "MEGATONZ!!1!!" announcements daily for two more months now, can we?

  8. theres no lan play so no


    we are in an age that on ANYTHING but nintendo consoles a game that has ANY multiplayer is pretty much guaranteed to be online

    There's no LAN play... but there's *Gasp!* online play! Hmmm, might be a smidge easier to work with rather than harder, don't you think? I do. And the frog in my pocket does too.

    And yes, you should be thankful its online. It doesn't matter if Billy Bob and his Blonde Brunettes is online on the Wonderbacon Silver, we still had a fair chance of it not being online, and then you'd really be crapping a storm.

    Stop setting yourself up for disappointment, you're going to have a stroke.

  9. Beats them saying "F you." and making it an offline only game like Melee. Remember that the Gamecube was also more than capable of online play. A step forward beats a step back, regardless of the stride.

    And who knows, maybe hax0rz will pull a "Warp Pipe" like for Double Dash and make it crazy full online.

    Or something.

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