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Everything posted by status-seeker

  1. Woah, you guys are pretty fast. Thanks for all the feedback so far, I'll definitely make good use of it for future creations. As for the variations part, it was kind of a personal choice. I wanted to have it sound like the original, only with slight modifications. I was also planning to go for this whole symphonic intro thing. You know, the whole orchestra. But after working on the whole song for some time I decided to quickly wrap it up. Not a very smart thing to do I know. But since this was my first time I just wanted to get it out and see what would happen. But I'm already inspired and motivated to get working on some new stuff though. It's really cool to do, although I'm more comfortable with just playing things live. Also, the whole dance (I don't even know if that's the correct genre) thing is not something I'm very familiar with. I'm actually a rock/metal guy mainly, but listen (and love) practically everything.
  2. Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums and am a big Sonic fan. A few days ago I discovered Project Chaos, and have been listening to it pretty much non-stop. I got Reason 3.0 and started fooling around with it a bit, and decided it would be time to give my own remix a go. So I got to listening some of the original songs, and couldn't really decide what song I wanted to go with. In the end I decided to take Ice Cap, because it was probably one of my favorites in the old days. Anyways, I was hoping to get some feedback here.. so here's the link: http://www.status-seeker.com/Ice%20Capsule.mp3 Also, I'm actually a drummer (and have been for 6 years).. maybe you'll notice.
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