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    High School Student

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Yeah, I even sent him a PM.
  2. How about you guys just mark me as the winner?
  3. Starting a tournament check the link for details.
  4. Ah ok, well I will atleast try it. Keep an eye out for "Ocr REMIX server." I even tried to make a website to promote it. The site is just starting out so don't laugh. http://freewebs.com/ocrserver/
  5. I got good news, I'm going to make my own kaillera server, But I was thinking would it be ok if I named the server "ORC remix server" I think it will make it easier for us to play each other, not only for competitions but for fun also.
  6. I'm supposed to have 3 wins I defeated Ibanez, Kamoh, and culturekoi. Scoreboard needs to be changed, I think.
  7. So yeah guys I beat ibanez 3-2
  8. I just defeated kamoh. 3-2
  9. I thought there was a gem fighter tournament?
  10. A new challenger has appeared.
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