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Dr. Rod

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Posts posted by Dr. Rod

  1. I think having the formal tone is a really good idea....helps to keep things objective, and prevents things from being too vague or ambiguous. It should definitely be used in conjunction with more specific, detailed feedback. I think itll help a lot of individuals looking for comments on thier WIPs, as well as help those critiquing know what parameters to judge upon.

  2. Thanks everyone for your input on this....Ive been having trouble mainly because the kind of techno / semi-trancey style Im working in really constrains the tempo of the piece (I dont want to completely disconnect it from the beats). I never even thought about varying the chord velocity/timing or the point about pedaling though. In any case though, it seems like I'll have to sacrifice either the steadiness of the beats or some of the humanity in the piano. Ive got a bit of a challenge ahead : /

  3. Listening to it now....I can recognize the source without having to check the midi, so thats a good thing. Loved the switch ups in tempo and the varying drumwork, in fact thats what made this mix stand out from so many other Ridley mixes I've heard. The beginning and middle seems much more melodically interpretative than the ending section, I would work on interpreting the ending more. Also most of the time the melody is doubled at a different octave; not bad at all, but you definitely need some new harmonic content (chords, countermelodies) to give it depth.

    As far as production, adding more intense presence to the drums (volume, EQ) could give this a lot more power. Right now the drums are sequenced strongly and the transition great, but they still sound a little too light. Also I would suggest articulating your leads more (frequency automation, EQ, playing with effects like chorus and distortion). Being a Super Metroid fan, I love this source and I love where youre going with it. Stick with it!

  4. In anticipation of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Ive been gettin together the accessories I'll want in advance. One of thesee is something I can use to record my Wii gameplay directly to PC (to create gameplay videos like those on YouTube). Unfortunately, I ave no idea what thats called (Video to PC recorder??), or what would be the best device for that specific purpose. Can anyone give any recommendations? Or even just help me with the terminology?

  5. I've been trying to refine a piano I'm using in a Reason project of mine to make it more realistic. I've managed to improve on its realism using velocity editing, but Im kind of at a wall now with what else to do to give it a really rich, realistic sound. The whole project is an electric/synth piece, if that makes any difference as to how I should process it. Are there any general tips as far as processing/humanizing a piano (like with reverb, ASDR, EQ etc.)?

  6. The original's from Super Mario Bros. 3, the Bowser Battle. The SMRPG version has a transitional section the original doesn't have.

    Thanks for your feedback everyone....Ive brought out the bass more and played with the EQ and panning effects on the synths. It doesnt sound as hollow as before, and Ive done more to vary up the percussion about halfway through the song, just to spice things up. Also I've "thickened" the pre-ending section. I still need to work more with the piano though; it sounds a bit fuller, but not exactly how I want quite yet. I'll be mainly working with the piano (which has proved more elaborate than I initially thought) and balancing now, unless some other issues appear.

    Heres a fresh link (also in the first post): http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/0.1TheEvilKingKoopa-ReMix.mp3

  7. Thanks, I havent had much time to work on this (again due to school), but I'll be able to really do stuff with it this coming weekend. I'll mainly focus on humanizing the piano (as all of you have pointed out) and workin more with the percussion, which in retrospect i feel like I've neglected. And, per Rozo's suggestions, I'll be making things more elaborate as well (more so through instrument refinement and supporting sounds) Hopefully I can put out an update in a few days, Im definitely gonna keep at this one though : )

  8. Hi everyone, its been a good few months since Ive attempted anything (School is not fun), so I figured it was time I work on somethin again. I started this about 2 weeks ago, and have been workin on and off. Due to the 16 seconds of repetitive source, its more liberal in some places than others, but the source is there. I may work on this more, especially as far as making it more fluid....I guess thats what feedback is for : )

    Heres the Source: http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/TheEvilKingKoopa.mp3

    Heres the ReMix ( 2/18 ): http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/0.1TheEvilKingKoopa-ReMix.mp3

    First Version ( ~1/25 ): http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/TheEvilKingKoopa-ReMix.mp3

  9. Oh man, Samus meets Psycho, lol.....The sound effects and percussion were pretty hot, I wasnt feeling the bubbling sounds as much, but overall I liked this. The moans are a little porno-esque (I think thats the right word) too, which isnt really bad or good, just worth noting : )

  10. Arrangement wise, this is interesting and shows a lot of potential. Its really the production thats holding things back, things get cluttered in some places to where its hard to tell whats the main instrument. Work on using mixing (volume, panning, eq, etc.) to really bring out what you want to be the main focus. I like where the arangement takes things, and Id love to see more later on. Keep at it!

  11. I can hear the source pretty clearly throughout most of the song, so that wasnt a problem for me. Liberal, yes, but I can hear it. I agree though thet the transitions need more fluidity to them. Otherwise our production sounds pretty good to me, and I like your arrangement, so Id say this just needs more work on the transitions before ur ready to submit.

  12. Wow, this track really suprised me. The fusion of various genre elements was done incredibly well, yet it still carries some of your signature production techniques and sounds (I could definitely hear the TEEM.ROKIT and REAKTR1 in there, and even a little Final Panic). Everything is crisp and clean and the dark, tense vibe is there. Even not knowing the source I would assume this was from a boss battle or some similar climatic event. What a great track, definitely represents the high quality and intricacy of the project as a whole.

  13. OCR has really exposed me to the music beyond my favorite radio stations....it showed me genres that I never knew existed. Ultimately, it made me into a musician, literally starting from having no musical knowledge when I made my profile here nine months ago to where I am now.....and most important to me, it showed me the comraderie and brotherhood that can exist in online communities...Ive made a few very close friends off OCR. So in short, it made me a more talented and more experienced person.

  14. This is definitely one of the more unique tracks on the project, and fairly unique for ocr as a whole. I havent head a whole lotta happy-go-lucky synth stuff on here. I felt like the drum processing paled in comparison to the synth work, which was especially bright and well constructed/processed. This is a great track though, it definitely puts a bounce in my step and a smile on my face : )

  15. This sounds like a good base for something interesting as you develop it more. I think a steady snare line would give this a more regal feel and add to the soundscape while supporting the rhythm.

    The EQing is a real big issue here...the soundscape had this continual shrillness to it (I'm thinking from the strings). Your arrangement is very interpretative, but you need a good overall chord progression to keep things interesting.

    Also I think its important to realize that usually the most harsh comments on the most helpful. Skyp made some very raw but very real comments: You have a ways to go before this is OCR-worthy. Trust me, you're not alone though. You clearly have a foundation with musical skill (something I've only recently started to develop), so just keep at it.

  16. Well, I started work on an Emerald Hill Zone remix yesterday, and I've completed a short (just under 1:00) piano solo section. I decided to stick close to the original structure, developing more variation as I work more towards completing this. I intended to use this as an intro to a composition, but I may just expand upon it and make the whole piece a piano solo...I've only just started really learning music theory and I'm still finding my musical niche right now : )

    Anyway, here's the remix: http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/Esmerelda0.1.mp3

    Im sure most people are familiar with the source, but for those who arent: http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/EmeraldHillZone.mp3

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