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Everything posted by twistedminds

  1. This new one, does need work, but I do like most of what I hear so far... I can't add any comments to the other one, myself, cause I seem to likes it a lot as it is. I hear ya, HoboKa. Even though I know that I said that GargeBand ain't worth salt, and to top it off I only really changed the instruments, and took out 'tracks' from the only midi I could find of Royal Castle... I got this- http://twistedmindsmusic.bravehost.com/LoD-RoyalCastle.mp3 I want to add more to it, but seeing as I lack the knowledge to do so... And, Straziante, that was an interesting mix. Though I would of liked to hear a little less of the melody up-front and a little more of what was in the back, but I liked it none the less.
  2. If You Still Believe?
  3. Dude! I love the mix! I think it sounded better with my speakers then my earphones. For another song to spark your interest, I would look towards anyof the ones that have been listed in this thread. The top ones on my list I'd like to see remixed are- -Royal Castle (has been requested a few times) -Dart's Theme -Twilight of Rose -Lloyd's Theme -Grassy Plains -Hokes Village -Ghost Ship -Forbidden Land -Silver Land -Dead City -Jeek's Theme -Dragon Killed in Action -Imperial Capital Kazas -Death Frontier -Ending -Requiem
  4. My siblings say that I should go into remixing cause of my "sense for good music, and remixes" but all I got is frickin' GarageBand that ain't worth salt. Either way, since I don't know the titles, I'm just going to go by what http://bluelaguna.net/music/lodost/mp3s.php has for them. I could really see a "Lloyd's Theme" with either "Dead City" or "Forbidden Land" or even both. "Royal Castle" and "Ghost Ship" would make for an interesting mix, "Hokes Village" and "Silver Land" or "Imperial Capital Kazas" and "Grassy Plains" even. "A Dragon Killed in Action" could be a remix all it's own, I'm 90% certain. Just throwing out some ideas.
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