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Everything posted by Tragic_Subaru

  1. Oh man, oh man, oh man!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I have the money at this moment to buy the MGS4 80gig PS3 but I dont because I'm broke. Bahhhh..... *cries* ....... *stops* Meeh.... Somehow I'll get the money and buy it. Just going have to find a job and work hard for it is all I can do for now. >__>;;;;
  2. Yea, really, he digs his grave more and more deeper. Just glad that he's not allow to sue game industeries about violence of video games. Man he was such a pain in ... Oh well he's off for now. I may be a gamer but I'm also used to be a student that used to be a Game Designer... Someday I'll go back and finish up my degree in that area. Hopefully, he'll be ban from all states so he can't go out and do his crusade in ending games for all of us gamers. *yawns* Wow, I'm tired, don't know what else to say here now. Ja Dewa everyone. Tragic Subaru
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