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  1. Well what all thats in there is plucked! and FLslayer.. which I can almost never get to sound right. I'm planning to switch them around some more since I have the Slayer2 VSTi now. My wife has me working on other stuff musically so I havn't been able to re-vamp it yet. Which one? the plucked that's almost constant? or the brass synth that I threw in there? and the reason the drums stop after 2 minutes is because originally this song was going to be my daughter's majorette (baton twirling) song for festival. She's not going into the majorettes so I thought i'd share it on here.
  2. This is my first real attempt at an OCRremix. I found an old midi laying on my HD and decided to slice and dice it and change the instruments around a little. I also slowed the tempo down from 160 to 100. isakill.bd-lair.net/gerudoslowbeat.mp3 Let me know what you think.
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