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Everything posted by joshish

  1. I'm not saying it is a bad game. I don't know. Haven't played it. However, I am saying that it looks and sounds like a game that I would not like to play. Therefore, in my opinion it looks like a bad game. Thats my opinion. Im sticking to it. I'd think the same of any other game that looked like that regardless of who made it. Its not about being mature. Its about being honest. Thats what I think. It looks like shit. It sounds like shit. And it probly smells like shit too.
  2. Well, the dude was a turd. And the game looked like it sucked before I even sent him any music. But it was crap that I sent him. crap that did not take hardly any time to make. crap that did not pass to the second stage of developement in my process of making music. So in the end it doesn't matter. I just cant stand people like that. I was just being nice. And he didn't give a shit. But I will continue helping when someone asks. Just not for him. You'd be suprised, but there are a few times where it becomes worth your while. But I never have and never will put a great deal of effort in a freebee.
  3. Wow. Yay. Yipee-doo-da. Almost a week since you officially released the game. We agreed in private conversation that I would have a free download of your game for the music I let you use. I have not received what you promised. You have yet to even reply to any of my messages after you got what you wanted. You may think it to be an insignificant matter, but it is not. You should not treat people whom help you like this. I'm not mad. I just want everyone else here to know. I hope you understand that I have not lost anything. I have full copyright of all of the music I let you use. I will not make a big deal about it. However, you will not receive any help from me ever again. As for your game, you can still use the music. I will not buy your game. In fact, I wouldn't buy a game with those graphics, that storyline, and that kind of gameplay for 19.99 anyway. I could see spending maybe 4.99. But, even if you offered it to me at 4.99, I wouldn't buy it now. I am not giving you any money. Good day to you. Good luck in your future projects. I hope you don't try to screw over the wrong person in the future. Josh
  4. Call me crazy, but I am fixing to send you an email with a link to 11 tracks free of use to you. If you want to use it for anything else other than this project. Just let me know. Also, if you would like some of the good stuff for pay, let me know and we will work something out.
  5. Hey. The majority of my music I will not part with for a very low fee even with the correct synchronization licensing. However, I'm sure I can dig up several old didis that would suit the purpose for no charge. This will be in good faith that you will put my name on it. I don't mind doing this at all. Just give me a couple hours to dig and convert to mp3 and maybe even add a new one. Hell. I'll get back with you shortly.
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