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Posts posted by stapler117

  1. need some bump!

    Sorry I haven't been folding lately. I've been mining bitcoins instead. Unfortunately my power supply couldn't take the load from my maxed out cpu and graphics card so it died and took my motherboard with it :cry: Once I get a couple new parts I'll be back online. Also, notice how ATI cards are hard to come by? Blame bitcoins for this

    Man, only 10 active right now?

  2. Ya, the GPU2 client is basically awesome. They finally released new projects that run quieter on my 8800 GT. The older ones caused it to make an annoyingly lout and high pitched noise so i could only fold when i wasn't in my room. I recommend to anyone who can to use the GPU client to use it. It completes work units in two and a half hours for me.

    What graphics card are you using prophet of Mephisto?

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