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Posts posted by Da2dbm

  1. Haha, thank you very much for the compliment! I was thinking about extending it and having it mash up with the Mods de Chocobo song also in FFVIII.

    The main chocobo medley is different from the source though, it's glitched to a slow triplet, but I suppose I could add greater variation. Thanks for the feedback!

  2. It's really interesting, I like the synths especially. However, the tempo seems off for some reason.. Some notes tend to sound more fast than others and it doesn't quite seem to mix well with the drums.

    I would love to see this mix develop more. This is one of my fav soundtracks as well. Goodluck man!

  3. yeah I have no clue what to do with that transition...I'll mess around with it a bit.

    The bass and drum levels have been fixed for the next version... don't know if i should go with the "underwater" effect that i used in a previous version or just keep a normal effect.

    Love the feedback! Thanks for listening! Any more feedback just let me know, I wanna make you guys happy haha

  4. I've always loved these two songs. This is my attempt at remixing them. Of course this is nowhere near done. I'm still learning FL Studio, go easy on me... Feedback is always appreciated!


    I've messed with many of the suggestions you guys have offered. I feel that this version may be the last in terms of arrangement (I'll still tweak levels and mixer effects if need be).

    Thank you very much for following my remix progress. I think this may be ready to send for submission.

    Stickerbrush Symphony Source:

    Hot-Head Bop Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KR3hE0_6Nk

    Update 1: Bramble Remix 11/3.mp3

    Update 2: Thorns and Lava 11/7.mp3

    Update 3: Thorns and Lava 11/19.mp3

    Update 4: Thorns and Lava 12/14.mp3

    Update 5: Thorns and Lava 12/20.mp3

    Final?: Thorns and Lava 12/23.mp3

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