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Darkness Lite

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  1. Either Audacity w/ the Lame plugin, or dBpoweramp Whichever you choose, both should work well for you.
  2. That's because Family Guy is full of BS, their main marketing point. It's what makes them funny, and why noone in their right mind would dare take them seriously. That, and it had not been brought up before you mentioned it.
  3. Why....Why... It's like going to DevArt and seeing http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/46036660/ and http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/46124117/ and wondering WTF:whatevaa:
  4. After getting Antigravity and hearing the work you and Zircon put into it, I look forward to hearing the new album, when it comes out. If possible, I'd like to be on the list, please.
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