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  1. And now I've run into a bit of a problem.... I have now found 3 different names for the song. Can anyone confirm the ACTUAL title of the original piece? So far I've seen it listed as Reminiscence, Remembrance, and Truth.
  2. Crap ton of fixes and revisions here, but it sounds great, at least to me. A lot of the "clicky" noises at the ends have been snipped, new instruments added, including a nice slow rainfall ambience. Just a whole new level of polish. Link up top has been updated, too. You should be able to just right click and save as now.
  3. No, not at all familiar with Ableton. Tell me more. And you're right, I wanted to put in a wind ambience, but I opted with a medium raining ambience, but I took it out because it sounded scratchy, no matter what the DB's were on it.
  4. Great, thanks for the AWESOME feedback. Basically everything that you said, is exactly what I thought was wrong with it so far, but I couldn't figure out what. I'm going to try and get that fleshed out a lot more, ESPECIALLY at 1:02 and 2:05. I really noticed that, I love how it sounds, but that piano just isn't carrying it properly, just like you said. You didn't think the overall composition was too quiet, did you?
  5. Finished up with it, fairly certain I'm done with it, save for some tweaks here and there. I like the pacing, and the way it sounds, completely open to suggestion on changes in volume on certain parts. Link up top has been updated.
  6. Thanks for the input, and the elaboration on "midi rip." Meanwhile, I've read over the submission standards quite thoroughly, and am well aware of them. Still, in my opinion, better to submit and get rejected, than to have never submitted at all. Will never know unless I tried.
  7. Maybe I should have elaborated that NONE of this is taken from the source material, that is, not ripped from a midi or from the soundtrack. This was all built from scratch, by me. The easiest way to notice this, is go and find the original mp3 of this song, from the Final Fantasy X soundtrack. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how different my mix is.
  8. Me thinks I can manage to fix that, yes.
  9. Have been working on this for quite a LONG time... I had always noticed that there were no Vagrant Story remixes or arrangements, so I took it upon myself to do that, being a major fan of the series that I hope they bring back some point before I die. Anyway, I think this is good enough for initial peer critique at the very least. Anyway, here's the good stuff. Enjoy. Just right click and Save As. http://dodownload.filefront.com/7922782//83120844920efef5a8768e320522c7bb80d09d1bfd00e50d2c42c694ef1281f96aa4fd1d80e09183 I'm not sure if the song is called Truth or called Reminiscence, as I've seen it labeled both ways.
  10. Perhaps, although I'd like to think that the unique thing about this mix, is that I actually arranged this remix using MTV Music Generator for Playstation, and MTV Music Generator 2 for Playstation 2, followed up with Acid Music for conversion of it. Most notably, I think that this is what gives it it's proper charm, creating a game remix using, well, a video game.
  11. That would be me. http://files.filefront.com/The+Dream+Isnt+Over+Yet+Ixmp3/;7910408;;/fileinfo.html
  12. Greetings all. First post, first OC remix submission, awaiting judgement on it. In the mean time, feel free to tear it apart. Not my first remix, but one I'm rather fond of, and decided it was good enough to attempt to submit. http://files.filefront.com/The+Dream+Isnt+Over+Yet+Ixmp3/;7910408;;/fileinfo.html
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