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Tentacle Porn

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Everything posted by Tentacle Porn

  1. Ah, I feel a tad silly now, all this time I've been calling sonar and the likes trackers, must have been a habit I picked up at music tech. I've looked into some of the suggestions briefly and most of them look appealing and seem to offer what I'm after. Just for the record, I primarily work with recorded material but do quite a lot of midi composition as well, so both are just as important to me. Thanks for the help so far, it's much appreciated. Might I ask what the software of choice would be for prominent OCRemixers?
  2. So after spending a considerable amount of time roughly a year ago getting sonar to work correctly with my rig, it's decided to make a mess of things all over again. I feel it's time to look for alternative software, as I have had far too many issues with sonar and would just generally like to explore the possibilities of other trackers in any case. I have grown accustomed to sonar as my tracker of choice ever since I picked up sonar 6 whilst studying music technology, so what I require is another program that I will be able to migrate too without a large degree of difficulty - I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to reputable software of this sort. Recommendations are very much appreciated.
  3. Sorry, it's not that I've bene lazy. I just can't find any. Skypnyk, I checked the website before but I guess I didn't look in support, my bad. But yes, feature specific tutorials so that I may understand everything better.
  4. I only just got Fruity Loops and I like to think I've done a good job working out how to use it, but I couldn't help but wonder if there were tutorials that could possibly make sense of all the things I just can't quite work out. So could anyone hook me up with some links to decent fruity loops tutorials? I can't seem to find any. Thanks in advance guys ;3
  5. As far as buying a soundcard goes, I'm running a fairly cheap soundblaster Audigy! card right now, but I'm looking around for something with guitar input. I'd like an external synth to play live as well as for use with the computer, although the live aspect is probably more what I'm looking at. So far I've look at some Korg and Roland models that look very interesting, But I really just want assurance from someone who knows what they're talking about as to what models are best for their price. As for your post, Skrypnyk, it will be used live and it would probably get used to trance/electronica sort of music, yes I want it with the keyboard and as for a pad; if there are any fairly priced models with pads, that would be excellent, otherwise I'll most likely buy one standalone. Sorry if I'm not making a lot of sense guys, but thanks for the help.
  6. I'm new to all this, and the forums too >,>. But lately I've spent a lot fo time messing with synthesisers at music stores and am definately wanting to buy one. I'm really new to this and am not entirely sure of how much I'm willing to spend on a synthesiser alone, probably around 1200 AUS or so. I've looked around and I'm having trouble working out what I'll need to buy. Basically what I want is a synthesiser [ I'll probably want to be able to plug it into my bose surround system, which shouldn't be a problem ] that I can either play standalone or through a computer. With playing it through a computer, what other things am I going to ened to buy? Software? Hardware? Also, I rememebr a friend saying something about guitar input on a synthesiser, could anyone elaborate on this? Basically just any information would help, recomendations, brand names, I just need to know what to buy. And a brief run down of how to use one / how it works would be excellent, even if I just get linked somewhere. Thanks in advance
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