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Posts posted by Rasevales

  1. They kinda blew their load when Songi had a move called "Genocide Cannon" or something like that. But the final boss wasn't so disappointing as he was just a long, drawn-out fight. And really, all the bosses in that game after a certain point were the same, they'd use their super-move every 3rd or so turn, so you just defend on those turns and heal when necessary.

    Bowser from Super Mario Sunshine was so easy I was stunned when I beat him. I was all, "what the hell? That's IT?"

    Also, Strife from Soul Calibur 3. He doesn't even turn into one of the OTHER final bosses like Abyss or Night Terror. You just equip a healing weapon and defend til he dies. Lame.

    True when you put that factor into the mix. I can agree with Strife being a huge joke. It didn't take much to bring him down.

  2. Legend of Legaia - After having to fight Songi 3rd form, I was expecting something god-like. Yeah...I was really wrong that time.

    ZOE 2 - Oh man I was so mad that I had fight Anubis for the 3rd freaking time! I was ready to open up a can until I beat him in about a minute....

    ZOE 1 - Storyline boss. You can't hurt him at all.

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