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Everything posted by Gyrick

  1. I was searching through some of my old files and I came across this mix I started a while ago and (I guess) stopped working on. It seems to be the start of the Control Room theme from the Ducktales NES game. Now, I guess I have two questions: 1.) Is this worth actually working on? 2.) If so... what do I do with it? I really don't want to mix the moon theme in it (I do like the moon theme, but it seems to be the most common one done). http://gyrick.googlepages.com/ducktalessample.mp3 Apparently, what I did was make the piano part in 3/4 and the rest in 4/4/ I kinda like how it sounds, to be honest. It's only over a minute, so it won't take too much time out of your life. Any suggestions would be nice. Thanks.
  2. With the recent release of Alex Kidd in Miracle World on the Wii Virtual Console, I decided to work on a remix I started two years ago, and left it dormant for a while. It's an orchestrated medley of several songs from AKiMW, including: Level Start, Above Ground Level, Underwater Level, and Motorcycle. I plan on adding the theme of the Rock-Paper-Scissors battle, and a theme that well tell the outcome of cede match. I hope you like it, and critiques are welcome. http://gyrick.googlepages.com/Gyrick-TheTaleofAlexKidd.mp3
  3. It sounds good (great piano font), but I do agree that it needs something. Here's my two cents. I like the feeling and overall sense that the song creates: slow and sad. I'm not getting a real feeling of "rock song" when I hear this piece, however. Why not try a more jazzy/bluesy mix? Add a line of bass, some slow percussion, possibly a saxophone or an oboe maybe? If you make it more rock song-ish, I think it may lose a lot of the original meaning. Then again, if you don't like what it started off as, then I suppose you could go more rock. I wouldn't recommend going into a heavy metal or anything too upbeat. Possibly something more light rock or grunge would suffice. Never the less, I still hear something that could be more jazzy. Anywho, that's what I think. I hope that helps some.
  4. Greetings. My name is Gyrick. For a while, I used to post songs and WIPs on VGmix... until it up and died for some reason. Regardless, I have recently gotten the urge to do some remixing again, and I decided to try my luck on OCremix. Anywho, I have a WIP (as you may have guess by the name of this thread) that I wish to share and get some ideas on what to do with it. This is a WIP, and I plan to make the final version at least over 3 minutes. Before I do that, however, I wanted to see how I was doing thus far. I was recently searching OCremix by game genre, and I noticed there wasn't that many Resident Evil based songs. This doesn't surprise me, since a lot of the songs are either atonal or meant to make a creepy mood. I've always like the song that plays at the credits of Resident Evil 3, so I decided to work on that. According to every source I could find, the name of the song is "Staff and Credits". Since that's not very catchy, I decided to call the remix "Escaped with Their Lives". http://gyrick.googlepages.com/Gyrick-EscapedwithTheirLives.mp3 Enjoy!~
  5. Sometimes you can find rare gems at used video-game stores. I know that a friend of mine found "Suikoden" and "Suikoden II" at a used-game store on the Ohio State University campus. I also found a copy of "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" and "Rhapsody" at an EB games. They're always worth a look, but finding rare games is all about luck, so you have to be vigilant. Good luck with that.
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