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  1. Ah, thank you everyone. Sorry for making such a noobish mistake. >.> I shall attempt to do more reaserch before I post something. <.<
  2. Hey, I know, this is my second post, but I lurk here occasinoly, and I have been hanging around the main site and enjoying the awesome works here. But, as this title says, I had an idea whilst freezing my ass for the Bus. OC remix could have a podcast, or somesort of Radio show. It's be a neat way for newcomers to listen to good songs, and get intodruce the site. I mean, even I could do this. I have Garageband, (which all I would need is an MP3 converter,) and a Plantronics mike for a "host" Eh?
  3. Guten Tag! I'm Thalen, long time downloader, and now a member. I love games in general, and I love OCR. IU'm 16 and I'm chilling in NJ.
  4. Hey, I'm new to remixing, so far I'm using Garageband, which lets me dissasemble midi's pretty good, but I can't export as a Mp3. I'm not sure if anyone else use Macs, but I hope someone can point me to either A) A plugin for Garageband that lets me make Mp3s. A converter for M4a C) And audio program that works the same was as Garageband.
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