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Everything posted by ecogeek

  1. I tried getting the torrent file so I can help seed, but the site just hangs when I try to download it. I see you have a lot of seeders, so maybe it's moot anyway.
  2. Wow, this was helpful. Nice way to welcome someone. First: I looked in help and newbies and it seemed like it was for help with the forums, not bittorrent trackers. Second: I spent half an hour looking around for it, I didn't find it, and since you didn't reference it, I take it you don't know where it is either. Third: Yeah, I could, But that wasn't the question I asked. I just wanted to know if there was a grouping of them somewhere. Fourth: I don't think a problem with the tracker is a newbie issue. That effects anyone trying to download. Here is the error message I get from the tracker. Error regarding "OverClocked ReMix OCR00001 to OCR01000": Aborting the torrent as it could not connect to the tracker while not connected to any peers It only does this for the 0001 to 1000 file. Um. Ok. I'm not sure whose idea it was to move my post, but I don't really see how it fits here and not where it was. This post is about seeders needed for 1100-1600. My post is about the tracker not working for 1001-1100. These are two unrelated subjects and now my post is buried 41 pages down in a post that is unrelated. Hopefully someone can straighten this out. I am embarrassed for you.
  3. This tracker appears to be bad. I've tried it in two different programs including the recommended one for osx. I'm getting the 1001 to 1600 just fine. On a seperate note, can someone tell me an easy way to get all the post 1600 remixes? Thanks
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