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Agua da Chuva

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  • Real Name
    Alexandre Ribeiro Barnabé Júnior
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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested

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  1. You are right Hylian, but in any case, it's not a hard thing to make a song, right?What I mean is, there is a lot of things that I must foresee, like the instruments and a group who can help me whith this,but...what bothers me is, how can I put my song here in the site?You don't need to anwer me, because I'll search for the answer:razz:.By the way ,thanks for encourage me you guys ,so thats it ,I'll make a song myself
  2. Geez...that site is huge,I remenber the first time I entered this site searching for Final Fantasy's Tactics songs,I still remenber the expression in my mind saing "oh my,how can a site can be so perfect",by the way...as a fan I did not comprehended the hard work that was been implied on that site,for me were just download and hear,but...now I understand,this site shows to us people that the life are much more than a list full of problems; what can be better than hear "Summoner's Love" in a sunshine day,or "Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain" when you are sad and sober,in a happy day just hear "Meribia Nights" and foreget about the problens,but,if you are not the emotional type,then you will find perfect musics for your liking,shake your bones with "Ada's Groove" or jump to the sky hearing "Fire Cross".I'm Alexandre,Agua da Chuva,and I am hored to make part of such a wonderful site likr that
  3. hmmm...I knew I did something wrong,humph,well I´m human at,by the way I remenbered some unusual games to ask for remixes: One of my favorite remixes in the Ocremix is the music "Cry of The Chasmal Critter Chain",that is a great song for sure,so I had an idea in my mind,what if the battle song of Valkyrie Profile were remixed that way? I think that more Final Fantasy Tactics´s musics will be fun How about Digimon World?Or Digimon Rumble Arena? Fatal Frame 2,and Silent Hill 4 will be greatly remixed ...thats it... oh please,answer me that time please,I hate to wait for the others decisions... Well,bye then:<
  4. Hello people of OCremix,here is Agua da Chuva,I'm glad to make part of this awesome website where everyone works together to make the diference XD,I´m telling all this because I´m new here in OCremix and I don't know if I making it right by posting my questions here,if I´m doing it wrong please let me know. My requests: More musics of Lagoon,like Philips castle and the boss's battle theme. Valkyrie Profile,I think that the battle theme will be great as a remixed song Ar Tonelico,It´s a new game from PS2 that I had the luck to meet,It´s musics is totally diferent from the usual Rpgs. More musics of Diablo 2,Castlevania SOTN,Final Fantasy Tactics and Star Ocean 2. Well,I think it´s all.Please think well about that games,and forgive me if I did something wrong,I'm new here:-|
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