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  1. I agree there are some nice remix possibilities with this game's tracks. Paricularly the tracks "Running Fire" and "A Dark Race Becomes Magnificent". imo anyways...
  2. Totally could use some remixes from this game.
  3. Totally need some remixes! Battle theme 3 would be the prime subject imo.
  4. The difference between the two is actually that they are from different games!!! The first one is from Lufia 2 and is indeed the last duel. The second one is from Lufia 1 and its actually the fortress theme. Lufia 2 is a prequel zomg! But thats the difference between them
  5. Recently, I played Langrisser 2 for Sege Genesis. It was only released in japan but I have a fan translated english patched version. This game has some kickass remix possibilities, first and foremost would be the track by Isao Mizoguchi entitled - Imelda. I am a big fan of OCremix and have dozens and dozens of remixes downloaded from here. Unfortunately, I lack the motivation and programs required for remixes and can't do anything worthwhile myself. I am a traditionalist when it comes to remixes, i prefer as much of the original beat to be there as possible just with different instruments and cleaned up to sound nice. Techno Rave and Dance are the best remixes, most of the metal and other remixes dont do so hot but thats not to say all are bad... Someone remix some of the langrisser 2 songs! The VGZs are available online at Project 2612.
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