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  1. I would like to think that it wouldn't be illegal - but then again John Fogerty was sued for sounding too much like himself. (in that he recorded an album at record label one, moved to record label two, recorded new music at record label two, and record label one sued because one of the songs on record 2 sounded "too much like" a song from record 1. Even though they were both completely original songs that he himself wrote.) So, um, I would recommend not reworking a remix into an original piece for profit. It might backfire.
  2. keh, it's all my favorite artists in one convenient project! (I'm sure none of my friends who listen to "real people music" can say the same.) A lot of these tracks give me shivers, they're so good. You guys rock my knee socks. (and now I wish there were OCR swag knee socks) It's the middle of the night and there's 1200+ seeds. This is awesome! *burns*
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