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Posts posted by MechaFone

  1. I also agree in wishing there were more NiGHTS remixes. Sometimes I think there aren't that many because it's so awesome to begin with-what's to improve? But I think our dear McVaffe found a way to do it, because I personally enjoy this over the original. The bg percussion is what does it for me. He tweaked it up to where there was more to the song, not just enchancing it's overall quality. One awesome song, made more awesome by one of my favorite remixers. (pleasepleasepleaseplease come back McV!!)

  2. Holy crap, I can't believe I forgot about this one. All this talk about Jurassic Park 12 got me thinking about the old Don Bluth films. The first (I put emphasis on 1st 'cause sequels just suck...most of the time) American Tail was awesome. The music put me in the movie and carried my heart through all of lil Fivel's hardships. Also, the Land Before Time (the first one. All sequels were absolute SHIT.) music was a true heartwrencher. It's music was truely magical and fantastic.

    Also, I don't know if these were covered, but there you go.

  3. You mean something like Orko? I remember I dressed as Orko some odd 20 years ago. I think I wrapped myself in nothing but tin foil one year in an attempt to look -something- like R2D2. Hell, I found this really nice store just across from my place that sells these really killer overalls. I have both red and green shirts, and I'm thinking of trying to nail a Luigi costume this year. It'd be the first time in years I got dressed up. Besides, I miss the candy, dammit!

  4. Fifth Element

    That movie had some of the weirdest freakin' music I've ever heard in a movie. Just bizarre. But concerning it's orchestral pieces, absolutely. My favorites were Human Nature-that one actually made me cry-and the last piece, were Leeloo and Corban saved the world by kissing. Fantastic musical piece.

  5. Hm. Now that I think about it, What Dreams May Come had in my opinion an absolutely stunning soundtrack, featuring music that gripped my heart with the saturated unreality of it's artistic scenes. The dark music depicting the depths of Hell were so haunting and chilling. One of the top ten on my list.

  6. Huh, well...I think I'm gonna get it. Prolly not order it, 'cause I dun have the funds to do that right now. I'll prolly think about it sometime after it's been out for a while. But I definitely have plans to play the sequel to the best Zelda what came from the Gamecube. -i'm not talking about Twilight Princess, 'cause I got it for the wii-

  7. I like the old LOZ commercial where the guy is wandering through the hallways looking for Zelda. He keeps shrieking whenever a monster pops up. I could swear it was Robin Williams at the time, but I learned later that it was some other guy I never knew @_@

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