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Everything posted by outontheporch

  1. Hello, So DW4 is one of my all time favourite games, and I love the music. Right now I only see one remix on this site, so if anyone wanted to tackle this game I would love them forever
  2. yeah dude! I wouldn't worry about haters...music is music, and what matters most is creativity, not what means you go about producing it. I have no idea how any of you made your remixes, I just listened to them and smiled a lot, and that means good music to me. The only time I would maybe knock a program would be songs coming from garage band, because although those songs are cool sounding, from what I understand most of the songs are already done for you. Thanks for the dude who made the post in the beginning with the links, I'll definitely check them out! OH SNAP, one last thing...is there a place to make requests? I would give me left nut to hear some more Dragon Warrior IV remixes. There's one I saw up, an arrangement of the Akmento Mines theme, which is really good...but that's the only one! just wanted to post again to see my sig edit: ok that's kind of big...
  3. Hey remixers, I just wanted to post and say that you guys are seriously off the hook. my friend found out about Voices of the Lifestream via Evil Avatar, and I found my way over here and perused the remixes. I've got to say, I'm overwhelmed. I love music, and hearing these remixes has been a great blend of enjoyment and nostalgia. I wanted to give extra props to all the FF7 people, and also McVaffe, who did a simple yet amazing remix of Relm's theme from ff6, which I haven't been able to stop listening to. You guys are sick! I also just wanted to know what software most of you all use, and if you maybe know of somewhere I can go to learn how to use it? I have acid pro 6 (i think 6) right now, but I have no clue how to use it. I have a lot of ideas in my head, but can't do anything with them. - Mike
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