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Posts posted by Altima

  1. Reading DJPretzel's review I downloaded this mix with doubts that I would enjoy it, but it is surprisingly listenable, the dissonence doesn't detract from my enjoyment of it at all. Overall it just felt like an energetic and well played piano piece, quite similar to how FF6's piano album handled the boss theme I think, taking fast complicated pieces and converting them to piano music via flowing rolling play. The bass notes also keep the energy in the piece, adding a sort of pulse / heartbeat to the whole affair.

    Though I don't think it's the kind of thing I can just zone out to while listening on headphones walking around, count me among this piece's (and Noir's) admirers.

  2. I know I'm pretty low key around here, and I haven't made any remixes, but I've been listening to them for at least 3 years now on this site, I have to say hats off to this one!

    Allow me to be the ten-millionth gushing forum user to say Thank You, Mr Soule, both for letting the good people who make these mixes know that they are appreciated by the original artists and for contributing such a great arrangement. No doubt your schedual is packed, and I understand the demands made on game music is going up more and more these days, but I wonder if you will attempt this sort of thing again, considering the praise you have so deservedly garnered this time? Of course, it must be much more satisfying to be able to create your own works, though.

    Anyway, on another note, one person whom I'd love to see give an opinion or, daresay a remix, would be Jesper Kyd, the man behind the Hitman and Freedom Fighters soundtracks. He's made some very interesting music, and his work is probably underrepresented here at OCR. But I get off topic. This is a wonderous remix which has brought life to a theme that has been done again and again on this site, and I believe it has helped us realize just why we loved the original anyway! Thanks, again!

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