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Posts posted by BlazingDragon

  1. my only complaint is that it seems overly compressed. about a minute in is the change of mood, but it's almost the same volume as everything before it, the bass drum and the cymbals should be ear rapingly overpoweringly loud. a piano playing softly is very very very very quiet in a large concert hall, a piano playing loudly is rather quite (somewhere between a section of violas and the 2nd violins perhaps). The percussions would easily be 1.5x as loud if this piece were to be performed. I don't 'feel' the music as much as hear it. That being said, what I am hearing is sonic bliss, definitely have skillz to pay da billz. Good piano as well man, this cat is jelly.

    Thank you for the helpful advice. I have a decent grasp of music theory and composition but know next to nothing about mastering. The mood change did feel less satisfying after compression but I couldn't put my finger on why. Is it probably better to not even compress orchestral music in most cases?

  2. Mural OST - Drifting


    An animation student recently messaged me asking if I could rearrange a piece of mine called Drifting for a short film he is developing.

    While I've had a number of pieces used in videos and flash games, this is the first time that I've went the opposite direction and set music to film. It was a lot more difficult than I imagined, because synching the music to the visual cues created all kinds of headaches with timing.

    I had to take a nearly five minute piece and boil it down to two figuring out which parts were relevant to the short film and which were extraneous. In the film there is a significant visual cue where the entire mood changes, and I was desperately trying to get the music to fit up to that point. I had a sixteen bar phrase preceding it but ending up several seconds short. Slowing down the tempo to compensate sounded ridiculous forcing me to recompose much of the piece. I had to change the harmonic rhythm to get something like an 18 bar phrase. All of this was challenging but also an enormous amount of fun. I can't wait to score more films now. grin.gif

    The video might be submitted to film festivals, so I can't link to it for a few months. Also, I improvised the piano part at the beginning and end, but everything in the middle is sequenced with mouse/keyboard.

    Constructive criticisms or other thoughts?

  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm working on some Zelda arrangements for solo piano and am looking for a performer. To give you an idea of technical difficulty, here is one of the arrangements:

    Audio: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/165200

    Sheet Music: http://www.scribd.com/doc/62235982/Serenade-of-Storms

    I'd love to get that and a couple of others played by a person rather than by FL Studio and a soundfont. If your interested, the help would be greatly appreciated. :)

  4. Indeed, my pleasure. Yes, the OOT teleport songs are just... bursting with unrealized potential. I would be delighted if you wanted to pursue the others. :)

    And yes, do give it a listen, it's a good'un. ( http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01150/ )

    EDIT: Heh, I realize I really love that mix because of the awesome piano at just after the first 3rd of the track. Go-go piano bias.

    Oh! I *have* listened to that track before. I like the simple piano part myself. That is an enjoyable remix. :)

    On the ReMix I'm working on, I notice a slight "popping" on ome parts? could anybody tell me how I might remove this in FL Studio?

  5. @Rozovian: Well, I submitted this last night. Perhaps that was a mistake. If it is rejected (Probably will be in the current state) I may just go back and tweak it before resubmitting. In any case, I *will* look for some better piano sounds and see if I can learn my DAW a bit better. I noticed that there are is slight popping at the beginning of the song and would like to find out if there is a way to edit that through mastering.

    Tindeck sounds like a good site. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!

    @Glitch: Have you really? That is an odd chance. It isn't surprising that someone else is working on a piano mix of either of those songs, but what is the chance of both of us using the exact same two songs in a piano solo? O_o

    This was arranged in the demo of FL Studio using free sounds found on the internet. I couldn't half as good as this right now. >_<

    @ MrSneak: That is quite encouraging. Thank you for the comment! I would love to ReMix a variety of the Ocarina melodies piano. They are simple and ambiguous enough that I can easily add my own chords and fit in original material. That is one reason I have had such fun with this project so far!

    I do not believe that I've listened to the current Serenade of Water remix. I will check it out now.

  6. My knowledge of mastering is quite poor to say the least. I don't know what granulized means. :oops: I looked it up on google but did not find anything helpful. I will probably submit it as an e-mail attachment, as I don't know of many quality hosting sites.

    I was a bit worried that the SoW section was too close to being verbatim. I shrugged it off because it is such a small part of an otherwise liberal arrangement. If it ends up being a significant issue, I'll go back and modify it.

    As I said, my knowledge of mastering is rather poor. Perhaps the bad sound quality is not due to the host site? >_<

    I arranged this with nothing but free software. That may be one reason for the bad sound quality. (I used an FL Studio demo and a free piano sample I came across)

    Thank you for the comment!

    @Spakku: The octave swapping is one of my favorite parts. Unfortunately, the sample I used does not sound very crisp in the upper registers. :(

  7. I was actually thinking something along those lines myself! :o

    While I'm somewhat set on ending with some rendition of the Serenade of Water, I'm trying to figure out a decent transition from the climax I built. I don't want to just suddenly drop into the Serenade, as it would be too jarring IMO.

    Sad piano is indeed cliche, but so is sad violin. :P As long as it sounds good though, I enjoy it. Thanks for the suggestion!

  8. I'm attempting to remix the Song of Storms for solo piano, briefly borrowing elements from the Serenade of Water. I'm aiming to add a lot of my own style and stray from the source material quite a bit.

    I've made a good deal of progress but am having trouble deciding how to end the piece. Also, I'm a bit worried that the mix is too liberal. I just started on this earlier today and would appreciate any advice offered. :)

    Thanks in advance,



    As for a link to the source material...Who hasn't ever heard the Song of Storms? :P

  9. Wow, thanks you all so much for the constructive comments! I'll get to work right away with revisions. This was originally just a loop, but I'll try to come up with an ending, and maybe a contrasting section for more variety.

    @Tensei-San: The soundfont I used for the bass was a Jazz Guitar, which is why it sounded soft. I'll see if I can find a good acoustic double-bass sample. I'm really pathetic with percussion, but I'll see what I can do.

  10. Hi,

    I'm a newb remixer (first post), and I would like some input on my first remix. It is an arrangement of "Windmill Hut" from Zelda: OOT, and it is meant to be somewhat jazzy. I don't plan on submitting it, as all I have at my disposal is soundfonts and an FL Studio demo. :P I'm just aiming to improve my skills.

    Here is the link:


    Please be honest and tell me how I can improve it. Did I stray too far from the source material? Is this even jazz? Any comments are greatly appreciated! :D

    Thanks in advance,


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