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  1. Not to mention the 1/8 inch tape compression! Hugo
  2. Free sample pack from Goldbaby - TheTapeVeronaDRM. To celebrate the release of our new product (Tape Drum Machines Vol 1) we have created a free sample pack called: TheTapeVeronaDRM. Contains 142 x 24 bit samples of the Vermona DRM. Recorded on an Otari MX5050 1/4 inch tape machine... plus the original drum hits without any tape love as well. Each drum sound has also been recorded multiple times for use in Round Robin Layering. This can help recreate the analog feel of the machine. Regards Hugo
  3. No problem... I try and give away a free product every time I release a commercial product ... Seems like good karma! Hugo
  4. Here is another freebie: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=390895#post390895 Hugo
  5. To celebrate the release of Analog AutoRhythms Vol 1... I have created a little Wav and Rex file pack... and it is free! The Roland CR-68 is the little brother of the CR-78. It has similar sounds and beats to the 78. I have selected a few of those beats and turned them into Rex files... and also made one shot drum samples of all the sounds... Another quirky analog drum machine from the 70's... You can find it on my free page: http://www.goldbaby.co.nz/freestuff.html I hope all those who bought my latest product are having fun with those analog curiosities! I sure am... If you want to adds some fresh and interesting analog drums to your drum collection check it out... Analog AutoRhythms Vol 1 For Guru and Wav & Rex pack: http://www.goldbaby.co.nz/autorhythms.html Kind Regards Hugo Tichborne
  6. I bought an old Marantz cassette machine to muck around with... So logically I had to hear what the 808 would do to it! Here is the 808 recorded on cassette... 21 x 24 bit samples of 808 cassette madness... Free for all my forum peeps! Just go to my site and check out the free page... it is near the bottom of that page. http://www.goldbaby.co.nz/freestuff.html Here a little audio demo of a beat I made with the samples... No processing: http://www.goldbaby.co.nz/Stuff/Cassette808_demo.mp3 Regards Hugo PS Here are the tools I used: ...and remember:
  7. Here is a little Christmas present: The TR606 recorded on a Ampex 1/2 inch 2 track tape machine... Plus naked and effected versions... 128 x 24 bit samples! The download link is at the bottom of my free page: http://www.goldbaby.co.nz/freestuff.html Have a happy holiday season... Regards Hugo
  8. Guru inspires me rhythmically... This drum machine goes deep! My MPC60 inspires me sonically... 12bit phatness! Edirol R-9 inspires me to collect sounds and IR's... Fits in my pocket... Audio Damage plug-ins are constantly giving me ideas and adding interest to mixes.. Hugo
  9. I have Sennheiser HD25-1 great bass response... Hugo
  10. I'm totally with you on this one! I use to do television jingles... The headaches caused by constant tweaking of the "final cut" use to drive me crazy... Unfortunately the money was good so I just had to bite my tongue and just get on with it... However freebies are a different story... It seems sometimes the director expects you to spend every waking hour on his project... The reality is he is getting something for free and needs to respect your time and make sure it isn't wasted.. Hugo
  11. Sorry Tensei-San Thought you guy's might be interested in my stuff... I apologize if it seemed like spam... Regards Hugo
  12. The Tape909 is coming! This is the Tape808: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13164 Regards Hugo
  13. Another great review of my products: http://rekkerd.org/review-goldbabys-the-tape-808-m pc60-vol1-tr-mpc60-vol2-vinyl-and-vintage-home-key board-breaks/ Thanks! Hugo
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