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  1. Ok, I'm a fan of Uematsu, who thinks that Kefka's best villain ever, and FF VI (3) has best music ever. From the 3 pieces of the final fight theme, this one (the second) is the worst, and the hardest. Even in the original, it sounded forced, due to the reasons you explained. Kefka is MAD. not only mad... he's become a MAD god. This is HIS theme. This isn't the theme of the monument of no existance, or the sane-ish kefka's one... This one ALWAYS was intended to be a cacophony, a total mixture of noise and rythm noone could make any logic of. And you, guys.... had got it RIGHT. It's just awesome. I could feel Kefka looking at me behind those notes.. This doesn't mean I like the theme... I never liked the original, and I won't like this one either... but it's perfect. Just... not of my liking ;P Seriously... THIS is what Kefka's theme SHOULD have been.... Are you working already on Dancing Mad?
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