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  1. I hear the muddiness now. I guess taking long breaks really help so I'm gonna fix it now. Edit: Fixed I think.
  2. Another update. More remixing and stuff like that so it doesn't just sound like a cover, plus it has an outro now. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/244444/dnbtaketwo.mp3 I think I'm done for today. I tried doing some solo stuff, but I don't think it's enough or if it's not solo ish enough.
  3. Update again. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/244444/dnbtaketwo.mp3 The synth might get a bit cheesy after a while. Does anyone have any suggestions about that? The main structure is done(lacking an outro though), now for the remix bit. I'll see if I can change some stuff because currently only the first verse is changed. Edit: Updated once again. Added some new effects and stuff like that.
  4. Here's my progress so far on the new song. http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/244444/dnbtaketwo.mp3 Still trying to figure out what to do with the melody without going way off track. I'll have a play with it on my piano to see. It's supposed to be the first part of the battle theme.
  5. I think you guys are right, it doesn't really sound like DnB to me either now that I think about it. But does DnB HAVE to be agressive?
  6. Thank you. Reading this makes me wanna redo it from scratch giving it a much better effort. I did wip it up all together in a day, so yeah, not much effort was put into it. But I thought it turned out OK so I wanted to hear what you guys thought about my first DnB song. You see, I was making a song, no remix or anything and I just thought "hey what happens if I slap on the FF7 Battle theme song onto this?" And so I spent a couple of hours making it fit. I'll try to listen to some more Drum and Bass. But first I gotta find out how to make those amazingly distorted bass sounds. I'm gonna try giving my synthesizer a go. Seriously though, I think I'm gonna start posting songs in this forum when looking for criticism. Are we allowed to post original songs in here? Cause on other forums it's either "it sucks or "that's nice"
  7. New song: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/244444/dnbtaketwo.mp3 Old song:
  8. This is the tool I used. I didn't figure it out either untill I realized all the sounds was low pitched. So I had to resample them.
  9. Ripping.. Ops, the rendered the bowser song wrong. Only 1 track. Edit: Fixed
  10. Ah crap, I just noticed the Reason forum. Ops.. I'm used to auto post merging.
  11. I've decided to make the original Super Mario World music in Reason. My goal is to make it sound 100% the same so you can use them to create new songs that sound as if they were at the Super Nintendo. And hopefully create 1 RNS song with a lot of Super Mario World songs. Why are you doing this? 1. So you can use them to make Snes or Super Mario World style music in Reason. 2. I'm having fun doing it. I'm also learning a lot about SNES music and how it was made in Super Mario World. Hopefully, you will, too. 3. Open Source (If you know what I mean ) Here is what I have so far. Note that I'm still not done with these. And the BPM in Reason is wrong. I use this SPC to Midi thing, but it doesn't match the BPM. SMW - Bowser http://www.fornax.no/elias/SMW%20-%20Bowser.mp3 http://www.fornax.no/elias/SMW%20-%20Bowser.rns SMW - Level 1 http://www.fornax.no/elias/SMW%20-%20Level%201.mp3 http://www.fornax.no/elias/SMW%20-%20Level%201.rns Sorry, I didn't want to make the intro for the bowser song. I'm having a headache. And the reason there's instruments not being in usse is because it's like a template. The song is just a demo showing it off. I hope you will find this useful.
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