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Posts posted by BeleagueredandBeset

  1. I haven't posted in a while, I'm normally a lurker, but I saw this thread and thought I'd throw in my two cents.

    I used to listen to primarily "scene" bands. My favorite music has always been rock, but I didn't really realize how cut-out the music I listened to was: it was manufactured for people who never thought about the music they listened to, and I decided I wasn't cool with that.

    I started to branch out from there. I think one of the things that helped me was iTunes- "Listeners Also Bought" is a handy feature.

    But I think the band that has inspired me most, and I encourage all of you to check out, is Thrice. Their last release was a four-disc concept album themed around the four classical elements (fire/water/earth/air). It's innovative, it's artistic, and its lyrics are hands-down the best I've ever come across.

    It's also very cool that Explosions in the Sky was mentioned here. I was pleasantly surprised to find them mentioned on a site like this one.


    Oh well... I was looking forward to seeing how it'd turn out. Plus, I think it would actually sound REALLY pretty on piano.

    I'm already coming up with some ideas for Hailfire Peaks. Let's see how it turns out, shall we?

    I thought the Live and Learn thing was a pretty cool idea. Maybe I'll cover it sometime with guitar and piano, and let you know if you want to hear how it turns out?

    Additionally, my new matchup is SWEET... but the NSF link on the Wiki page is broken.

  3. Learning of this has intensified my love for gamers (and Adam Sessler) to an almost obscene degree.

    I can't stand Fox News. Fox News is the kind of thing that you find on TV that makes you want to lob your television through the window in a livid rage. It's sad that their 'journalists' have to literally make something up when they run out of controversy.

    But the gaming community's reaction to this nonsense really warms my heart. *wipes a tear* Ah, gamers. Leave it to us to know the most wonderful ways to take vengeance upon those who affront us. One star... Brilliant. XD

  4. I definitely know how you feel about going back to old games. I've been playing the good ol' SNES more than anything lately.

    I actually got around seven new Wii games for Christmas, and I've probably put, at most, three hours of play time into all of them combined. I've yet to even take the wrapping off two of them. I haven't picked up my DS since I moved in September. My XBox Live account expired in November and I haven't even bothered to renew it. And the only titles that even look remotely appealing to me are No More Heroes and SSB: Brawl. I'm actually glad you posted this, because I have had similar feelings regarding games lately.

    I think that what it boils down to is, after playing so many games for so long, we grow weary of any titles that are less than what we consider to be excellent (like your Final Fantasy or MGS). I'm not sure if games are getting less fun or not, but I definitely see where you're coming from with this.

    With any luck, this will just turn out to be some weird phase of life where things seem to lack the appeal they once had.

  5. I'm wondering...

    If I have a Yamaha MIDI keyboard, can it also be used as a MIDI controller? Is there a way on GarageBand or Logic to use keyboards that (I'm going to sound like an idiot here, because I don't know the technical term) "play out loud" as MIDI controllers? I want to use the instruments on my computer rather than on my keyboard itself, but clicking on the on-screen keyboard is tedious.

    If the answer is yes, how might I go about accomplishing this? I really don't want to go to Guitar Center and spend a hundred beans on something that I could potentially already have.

    I hope this hasn't been covered already; I did a quick search and found my question thus far unanswered.

    Thanks for the help.

  6. I can live with 'clones,' as long as they are reasonably, noticeably different from their counterparts, and as long as they make SENSE.

    If clone characters are to be included, let them at least be from the same game. The Ganondorf thing in Melee was disastrous. It's pretty much a unanimously agreed upon fact that he needs a unique moveset.

    I wouldn't call Luigi a clone of Mario. But their similarities are logical, because they are brothers. Furthermore, their differences will be even more prominent this time around because Mario has Fludd as his Down-B. Maybe Luigi will whip out the ol' Poltergust?

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