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Posts posted by goombapatrol

  1. yeah what I was talking about is in the spirit of that, but I wanted to know if there were any others besides what was linked to? also, I cannot stand hearing retarded commentary to go with the game, or watching some idiot replay the same thing six times before finally beating it.

    hmm.. sounds like you want a 'let's play' without sound or the person failing.;-)

    i think it's part of the fun to watch them struggle, as long as they're not too terrible.

    there's a lot of great LP's out there.

    if you REALLY don't want any talking or screwups, just watch a few TAS's. those are entertaining anyways.

  2. Hrmmm. I made the mistake of reading all the reviews before I listened to the song. That, of course, made me expect something extremely amazing here. Well, it's great that this guy is remixing a game with music as great as Lemmings - but I gotta say that I was a little disappointed in this version. It loops through the intro melody a little too much for me, and although it does hold some nice atmosphere; the dance/techno style wasn't how I remembered the original song, and it doesn't really build up... it just uses the same 1 beat throughout the whole song overtop of the old melody. It's ok, but doesn't really incorporate anything I haven't seen before; so I wouldn't say that it's great (the 'sonar' type instrument in the background was a cool addition though). If you want to hear the original version off the CD, here it is:


    I actually like the songs on the disk version better than the CD's 23 tracks though, as you get to hear them keep repeating forever - and they seem to hold something a little deeper in their simpler format (certainly wonderful enough to make me want to cry sometimes! Ahhh, Lemmings music is so great!). Like I said, reading all these reviews was awesome; and it's an ok remix... but I think this guy could have gone alot farther with the variety in this one (which would, of course, give the composer alot more freedom to give the song a longer length too). Mazedude's Lemmings song is still by far my favorite on the site; but it's cool that there are other people who see the potential in these classic tunes. :)

    could somebody else post the original song back up?

    that one link isn't working for me.

    edit: nevermind, found it on youtube.

  3. I'm not completely sure why, but this mix didn't really vibe with me overall. There were small portions of it that I thought were very cool, creative, and well done, but I think maybe I found this piece slightly boring (to your credit, I don't think there's much to work with in the source track). I also didn't really like the quality of the instruments that I heard during the louder parts of the mix - particularly at the very end of the song. I'm no expert, but things sounded a bit MIDI to me.

    Congrats on the good review score though. The arrangement in this track was definitely great. Keep the remixes coming!


    i like epona's song, but there's not much material there.

  4. just wondering, is there like a list anywhere of some of the highest rated remixes done on ocremix? maybe i missed it on the site, but i didn't see one anywhere.

    i know there wouldn't be a 'best' list, per se, since it's all a matter of opinion, but i think there should be some kind of collection of great works from this site.

    i think it would be nice for somebody to establish a list, if there isn't one out already somewhere, since i'd like to come across good remixes from games i'd never think to check out.


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