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Everything posted by Noxneo

  1. Hi everyone ! First post here, so I'll talk a bit about myself before... I stumbled on OCRemix while looking for remixes of Link's Awakening's Ballad of the Windfish, and eventually it made me want to try out some remixing. Now I'm no musician, even though I plan to get on with piano lessons sometime this year, so this first incomplete piece I'm presenting here is a mere "re-orchestration". Sound pretentious, but I don't know if there is another word for it. So here goes: it's Time's Scars, from Chrono Cross. I really like this music, and it's quite popular, so I'm guessing I'm not the first one having a go at it. Download So as I said, this is a first try - so all kind of criticism accepted. If you're using technical terms however, please give a definition with it, as I don't have any much musical background (I studied solfege as a kid, but that's all there is to it). Thanks in advance for any replies !
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