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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Heh, yeah. My prior experience was with Garage Band (which has an onscreen keyboard) for Macs. It's much easier to start with but it already does less than I've done with this stuff just playing with a synthesizer.
  2. At the risk of sounding even more stupid (too late), how exactly does loading it up to a sequencer work? EDIT. Synth1 has disappeared from REAPER entirely. Find that first... EDIT EDIT: Never miiind. Figured it out. Thanks for the nudge in the right direction. *Cries in corner for not having gotten it earlier*
  3. Okay. So, like any good newbie to this software, I read the tutorial about softsynths, understood some of it, and began to twist knobs and push buttons at random until it made sense. Only, experimentation without feedback doesn't work too well, right? Thus, a question that I will no doubt soon feel even more stupid for asking once I get the obvious... [screenshot removed] What do I click to make the goddamned synth play something?
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