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  1. Thanks for your help Rozovian. My (slow) computer is a bit overloaded when I run this song. I think I've put to much stuff in. This was the last wip of this song. At least I think I've learned some things:smile:
  2. Another version of this crazy song. (I don't think anyone will like this very much, but here it is) Night in Pipe Maze WIP v5
  3. I'm not an expert, but I think it was awesome
  4. I think I have done some of the things you mentioned. Did I do it enough? They are all removed in version 4. (except one) I have automated a cut off filter for the strings. I have added a new melody. And much more… I have done something about this but I think I’ll do more next version. I lowered the bass one octave. I think version 4 is better To all: Hope you don't get mad because I post so many versions:tomatoface:
  5. Version 4 is here. Night in Pipe Maze WIP v4 Click here to listen! What did you think? Is it good enough for a submission? Should I rename it to "Jazzy Pipe Maze" or something else?
  6. Night in Pipe Maze WIP v3 Click here to listen! (I will probably release a v4 so you may not want to wast your time listening to this)
  7. I also think it got better:-) It was a superb tips to remove those synthetic FL synts and replace theme with some real sounds. At the moment I'm not sure what you are talking about but I will try to figure it out. I will have those things in mind when I do v3. If someone wants to play an instrument in this song they can contact me.
  8. Ok, here it is... Night in Pipe Maze WIP v2 Click here to listen!
  9. Sad that you didn't like it. Thanks anyway for the critique. The song has has not been uploaded on the site, refused or taken to the judges. That was what I meant with no respons.
  10. This is my first two remixes. I have already submitted Vampirewatching but not get any response yet. Night in Pipe Maze VIP is my latest remix. I hope you can give me some comments and critique of how too improve this song. --------------------------------------------------------------- Super Mario Bros 3 World Map 7 - Pipe Maze Nes Night in Pipe Maze VIP Click here to listen! EDIT: Night in Pipe Maze VIP v2 Click here to listen! EDIT: Night in Pipe Maze VIP v3 Click here to listen! EDIT: Night in Pipe Maze VIP v4 Click here to listen! Night in Pipe Maze WIP v5 -------------------------------------------------------------- Castlevania Stalker Nes Song title: Vampirewatching Click here to listen!
  11. What is the optimal bitrate to encode my song in? My song is 4,47 and I use LAME MP3 encoder.
  12. Yes, if I make a bonus track it will be just for fun.
  13. I've finished my song and are thinking about doing a bonus track
  14. Perfect! That was what I needed:)!!
  15. Does anyone know where I can download some nice free explosions?
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