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Everything posted by Pi's_a_square

  1. FM In regards to 'Prelude', I'll say I liked how it sounds like it came from TP, but was made in 2005. Consider yourself on the project. For some reason I remembered Abadoss doing Andross but I'm willing to bet it's just because the names are similar. Choccy, Dash When we get back up, (And to Pu, I'm working on it. Wait... Pu... Pi... I suddenly feel fortunate at the lack of puns) we'll make another pool of bosses and work our way through them in Community. Just64 One boss (mainly) from each series... I've gotta see what Leep's been up to, although that's not saying much. I've got to round ALL of us back up, don't I.
  2. Brawl's Tetris A music isn't too far off what I meant by including the Tetris theme in the tracklist. I still say O blocks must be the reincarnation of some ancient evil, they're clumsy and ruin everything. What the hell was I thinking when I said S and Z, it's O I've got to worry about.
  3. Change 'Boss' to 'Villian' and presto-chango we've got a lot more opportunities. Also, I've been watching the thread views amount, and I honestly don't think we've got to worry about people not paying attention. Between this post and my last post, we've got something like +400 views. Even if we were to make a new thread, and I'm not counting that out, I'd rather do a small bit of planning and cleaning up beforehand. The forums... I think we'll just start clean with a new one when we start over, but until then there's nothing wrong with continuing posting in that one. I may not have been there, but then again, I haven't been anywhere much. When we do, though, I'd like to just keep it about the music, and the project in general. Excuse my continuing tradition of complaining about myself, but I spent a small bit too much effort worrying about the artwork, and a few other trivial things. Until the music is done, or well on it's way, I shouldn't have any other priorities.
  4. Hey hey now, if we rush, we're going to end up making more mistakes. Wanting to get something done fast is different than wanting to get something done right. I'd rather get to edit this front page instead of making a new one, by which I mean, actually getting my old account back. I think first what we should do is go through all the mixers from the list and see who's on and not. After we decide on that, we might want to rework the tracklist, but not completely scrap it. Possibly, what we would do, is instead of making a list of bosses, and letting everyone else decide on who stays and goes, we could create a large list, maybe ~25 bosses, and for each suggest a theme to be remixed. That way the mixers get to decide on what they do, and out of a bigger pool, too. We could rank the bosses into groups based on importance to the album. A high-priority character would be in the top group. Speaking of which, we might loosen the restriction on the badguy/boss which I've imposed.... here's an example. Andross isn't the best candidate, but Starwolf has had some amazing music through the series. Same with Mother Brain/(Meta)Ridley. We'll have to work it out. Heh, no kidding. I'm just marking off a few things, that's all. I'll cut that out.
  5. Ok, since no one seems interested enough to make a comment (or perhaps they have nothing to say) I'd like to point a few more things out. Limiting musical genre to fit a theme was another poor choice in retrospect. Ok, picking one genre alone may have not been terrible, but I picked what, 3? I don't know... Here, let me say this. Not only would it be easier to not limit genre for creative purposes, but some themes might not fit well into that genre. I was trying to force square pegs into round holes. I used the word 'badass' a lot, and that's kind of still true, but I didn't like the way I personally was associating it. OK, maybe it needs to have a certain vibe for a Boss-Themed album, but I was going about it the wrong way.., or something, I'm not really sure what I did that irks me exactly. Obviously, if it's Bowser's Theme from 64 (That's not Koopa Road, that's the actual battle music I'm talking about) then yeah, rock might be a good idea. Whatever the mixer chooses, as long as it sounds good. That's the important part. There needs to be a midpoint between bosses that are actually memorable and significant, and bosses with good music. Usually the two go together, in some aspect or another, but they both need to be taken into consideration. It's not a popularity contest.
  6. So here's what I've got to say about the tracklist. The biggest example of what I'm talking about would be Saturos and Menardi. Even before I knew what was going to happen at all with anything else, I threw them into the proto-tracklist because I wanted to hear them re-done. Which was selfish, and stupid. Whether or not anyone else wanted them was irrelevant. I should have spent longer compiling a list, had a longer voting period, and of course, if I had made any mention of it on Community (was it still General Discussion then?) I would have gotten more ideas, and I'm sure more votes. Who cares if only ~10 people make it easy for me, it's still a too-small sampling. You want proof I didn't plan it out well enough from the start? Dedede's not on there. I mean really, what was I thinking? Wherever this goes from here, I'm going to need to think more before I act.
  7. Oh, neat, we can embed youtube now? I've been gone too long. Well, as if that wasn't already a "duh" statement to make. I think one thing I was hesitant about before was making changes, which is another stupid thing to say because I seemed to do it every so often. I'm going to tighten the rules on valid remixing material, and make everything a bit clearer. I've gotta switch up that list a bit, too. I mean, some games everyone likes, and some games I like. Like I said, I was acting partially in self-interest and I think now, I've got a further expanded view on what's popular and what's not. Expect some edits if I can ever change the damn thing, and some talking around here. I don't need my password or anything, I still know it, I can log in. I just can't post/edit. I feel like I've been fucking blacklisted. Ever since that ocr meetup, really. I mean, I had nothing to do that weekend, and it sounded like fun. It was like a club I wasn't invited to. Granted I had a blast, but that's not the point, I acted like an immature freakin' idiot. But that's talking too much. I can go ahead and say I'm mostly a different person. Jeez, how fast people can change. But then, now it sounds like I'm inviting a re-evaluation. Which I half-am, but I don't want to sound needy. The whole site makes me feel extremely awkward at this point. But that's probably because I haven't been on (posted, anyway) in a while. Mid-late 2007 ... you know, it's not as long as I remember. Recap; some tightening, cleaning up. Taking things seriously now. Goddamn...
  8. And getting my old account back would be nice.
  9. Well for one thing, the tracklist's gonna need to take an overhaul. Anybody that's already got a track, well that's great and they can keep it. But considering I started the project mid-2006 and the tracklist was formed shortly after, I'd like to make some edits, add and remove a few bosses. I was acting partially in self-interest.
  10. Funny that'd it appear I'm blocked from posting in this thread.... not that that has anything to do with an absence. I'm a downright idiot. I had a great thing going and gave it up. Partially because I was a bit bothered with the OCR community (but no one here, take my word for it. More of a general statement), and partially because I didn't think I deserved this project. It was going in a direction I'm not sure I wanted to be involved with, and, well... I'm not entirely sure myself of every reason, something like a culmination of my own worst aspects (me, not the project). It's inspiring to see it's still around, with or without me. I could sit hear and bemoan myself and my actions... but I'd rather not. I've taken about a week to decide whether or not I want to come back, but it's not up to me. If you guys will allow me to continue on this, I'd be glad to lend my hand back to the project.
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