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Posts posted by Roto13

  1. Yeah, I've heard some of that album. Wasn't really impressed. I don't think hip hop works with Mega Man music.

    Here's hoping that remix project yields some results. The teaser sounds promising.

  2. Mega Man 9 is the only standard Mega Man game not represented on OCRemix. =P What's up with that? I'd love to hear some nice mixes of Mega Man 9 songs, besides the official stuff from the arrange album. My favourites are

    , and, especially,
    , but really most of the music in 9 is pretty great. (It's a Mega Man game, after all.) Anyone feel like giving any of it a shot?
  3. This is a great song.


    But I get the feeling that it could be greater. I've always thought it could have been a bit more... I dunno, intense I guess. :P You get a taste of it starting at around 4:35, but even that sounds a bit tame. I've wondered what the song would sound like with more energy.

    Unfortunately, I know nothing about music and I'm mostly just talking out of my ass. :tomatoface: Can anything think of something they'd like to do with this song?

  4. It might be relevant to your interests to know that I plan to redo the entire soundtrack eventually.

    That is very much relevant to my interests. :P I would love to see that. You did a really great job (sloppiness aside, of course) with that one song. I'd definitely be interested in a whole album of it.

  5. I've never heard of a non-official Comix Zone remix, which I think is a real shame. (Then again, the fact that this game isn't held as a classic by so many people is a shame!) One of the things I love about it is the soundtrack. Example:


    There was an official remix album released, with some nice tracks on it but that was over 10 years ago and I don't think it's particularly selfish of me to want more. :P

    Some of those songs:

    So yes. That is my broad request. I don't really have any specifics I want to add. I don't know a whole lot about music, so I leave that to you professionals. ;P

  6. I lost all of the music on my computer (it took a fall) so I'm trying to redownload most of it. A lot of it was from this site. I've already used the torrents to get everything I want from those, but my question is, what songs aren't in the torrents? Is there a way to browse the songs on the site by date they were posted? I'm assuming the torrents only have every song posted up to a certain point.

    Simply put, I want to get the remixes I'm interested in that I don't already have.


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