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Posts posted by SephAguraki

  1. I'm not big on it personally. We did strongly consider it given that it is the first battle theme in the game, but other, more prominent battle themes won out.

    This is probably getting a bit annoying for you by now (Sorry... 8[ ), but no Symphonia overworld themes?

    And I have no idea why but "Tales & Trials" vaguely reminds me of the Tales of the Abyss track "The place of relaxation".

  2. And Full Force? More like Full Farce. We went for the better battle themes. :-P

    :cry: Okay...

    Yea, SoS has been an ongoing project for far too long :P We have something complete now, but I hope this is not the end of the Tales mixes

    I'd love to see some Tales of Eternia and Tales of the Abyss mixes be submitted...

    And I have to comment...that Apogee is epically beautiful...Last Battle ~Decision~ is solidly my favorite Symphonia track.

  3. After working on this project for the last half-century or so, it'd be pretty lame if I hadn't. It was a nice touch.

    There's also some equipment loosely referencing ToP (then again, there's a lot of cross-referencing throughout the series itself).

    Like Anise's "Hero of Time" accessory in Tales of the Abyss.

    I've actually been watching the Tales of Phantasia Animation (Bought it for $16 new), and I GUESS it fixes some of the translation errors people have controversy over? I never knew how Arche's name was pronounced until I saw the first episode though.

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