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Posts posted by KyuubiDX

  1. Yeah, i'm always very interested in creating music for video games. Especially video games. :D

    I would love to help you out, but it would be kinda nice to have something on your end to show us. Its easier to create something when we some kinda inspiration, ya know?

    Also, i almost exclusively write metal/rock. Check out the links in my sig to my youtube and reverbnation pages for examples of my work. :D

    Good to know :P (also both me and my girlfriend think that your metal cover of bad romance sounds better than the original xD)

    Anyways for those you want to take a look at a FAQ of sorts, here is a link to the game overview document:


  2. That's all fine and dandy, but until you have some kind of presentable material that shows actual real progress in the project beyond an "idea" and "motivation" to finish, there aren't going to be a ton of people willing to jump up and help.

    I've been working on design document all day long, and I'll keep at it until it's finished. This has already gone beyond the "idea" stage, and hopefully when I finish the document I'll have something more concrete do show (although I do however have a "Game Overview" document that answers most questions about it). But the problem about showing the design is the risk of getting your work stolen.

  3. We get a lot of these types of posts around here and the best asdvice that I can give you is come back when you have something substantial to show off

    It's not very primising when in your proposal you state that you're looking for a coder to do the coding, instead of you yourself doing it.

    I understand that. But it is true that if i could do this myself i would have done it a long time ago...

    Unfortunately trusted and skilled programmers aren't easy to find, so i'm trying to lay some groundwork for when i find one (I've got two candidates right now), so things can move on quickly and painlessly

    I've been involved in a PSP mini the last year that hasn't gotten anywhere because the main coder (bless him, he's a very occupied person) couldn't get past collision detection issues.

    So I decided to make my own team with all the design knowledge I gained during that year, and actually get some work done.

    And yes, I'm determined to finish this project and possibly all others to come.

  4. I've done sound effects for a few projects, I might be interested. Gamedev.net doesn't load for me atm tho, so I can't check out the linked thread.

    For those like you that can't access GameDev.net here's the full post quote:

    Team Name

    No name yet, though I usually use the name Enigma Game Studios for projects (and even have a logo for it).

    Project Name

    The codename for this specific project is "Lisbon Utopia" as I have not named it yet.

    Brief description:

    The game is a simple 2D sidescroller with a unique twist to it. It's not only about jumping over platforms or slashing a bad guy until he dies, I want to offer something different and possibly appealing. I've been "mindmapping" this game for close to 2 months and gonna start the design document this week detailing everything.

    Target aim:

    Target aim is retail. Steam, D2D, etc.


    Since I have no budget to work with unfortunately, I can only promise that all gains this game creates will be shared equally between team members.


    Not decided yet, I'm focusing on the design for now. I'd like to let my future coders suggest what they think is best.

    Talent needed:

    1 Coder (preferably familiar with game development)

    1 2D Artist

    1 Sound Artist

    Team structure:

    Nuno Sousa (myself): Designer/Writer

    António Terra (collaborator): Designer/Writer


    Enigma Forums


    Contact me to my email: NunoSousa86@gmail.com

    Previous Work by Team:

    None. I have designed a PSP mini project that never got off the ground.

    Additional Info:

    My aim is to make this a small but ambicious project, that maybe opens gateways to bigger things. Ambition and a strong will to succeed are needed.



  5. Hello all,

    My name is Nuno Sousa and I'm a huge fan of your community for many years now. I'm in need of someone who can do music and also sound effects (most likely simple ones)

    More information on the project here:


    I will post the information I feel needed here however:

    About me (there is no us, YET):

    I'm a up and coming game designer with a dream. To make great games and above else create great experiences for the players. This my first project to be honest, and if the team I'm putting together works, I'd like for all members to stick together.

    About the Game:

    The game is still in design stage but I'm hoping (since I'm the designer anyways xD) that it will move forward pretty quickly, and as soon as I find a main coder work will commence on the first alpha of the game. It's going to be a 2D side scrolling game with a unique twist to it.

    Non-Profit vs. Profit:

    The game is going to be put on sale on Steam, D2D and other download services. Possible Android and other system ports are being considered.

    About the Music:

    For the main levels I am not yet sure what kind of music I want (I am open to suggestions) But for boss fights I want something rocky (as in rock, maybe metal) and fast that really gets the adrenaline flowing.


    There is no budget. All compensation that WILL be paid is going to be sharing the profits between everyone on the team, and we will not be more than 5/6 people.

    Well that's about it fellas. Hope to ear from y'all soon:-D

    For those interested my contact email is: NunoSousa86@gmail.com

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