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Follow James McCloud

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  1. Logging in for the first time in years to say. Amazing. Very well done, thanks for this!
  2. I'm a huge fan of the original song. I'm saving this thread to my favorites, because like so many (yourself included) agree, it's just not coming off naturally. I can't wait to hear your live recording, because I'm sure it'll be cool.
  3. Hi, was wondering if you plan to extend that Tornado Man song you wrote. I listen to it all the time but 1 minutes is just way too short!

  4. PLEASE finish this... I just ran a search to find where I downloaded this song and am stunned to see there's not been an update. It's painfully short, and even then I blast in in my MP3 player nearly every day on the way to work. I had to pry through my email to find my login information, lol. I made this account to praise the song "Day's End" back when that came out. Send me a PM or something if you've got a bit more of the song put together, I'll get it over AIM or something so you don't have to go through the process of hosting it. Thanks!
  5. Yes! That was great. Brought back great memories. For what it's worth, I liked it!
  6. Awesome! I was just playing this game today and also noticed it was 15 years old. I remember getting it when it came out. It was a present for me sixth birthday. Me and my little brother used to set up boxes around our little television set to pretend we were in a real spaceship. We would shake it every time we took damage. Sir, I made an account just to thank you for this song. I got chills. It's by far the best piece of music put out in the history of Starfox. I used to sit for a LONG time in the controls selection screen listening to it. Talk about a hard game though, i beat it for the first time in the 11th grade! Anyway, I'm no musician but I'm a frequenter of the site and a torrent freeloader. Like you said it's likely too closely matched with the original to get voted in but you never know. I really love it. If it's any consolation you've made my day! I only wish it were longer and more boisterous. Good Luck!
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