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  1. So do those songs exist at all? Is there any way to get a hold of them or were they deleted really, really quickly?
  2. Okay, I downloaded the torrent quite a long time ago, months ago, I haven't really got a chance to go over it or anything and now that I'm transferring songs, I realize that in the folder, it only contains 868 items. So am I missing more than a 100 songs? Should I retorrent the whole batch or is that how it was set up? Thanks for the reply. I also did a quick search about it and found nothing.
  3. Ah, I got it, thanks. Now another question just popped up, why does it say that I have 1 unread message, when I click on private messages, I have none, I emptied out my folder and it's still there..
  4. How did you put that in date order? I seriously can't find the option to..
  5. Is there some kind of ordered list though? Because on the preview list, it's all alphabetical and it'd be a bit hard to separate them. Can you elaborate more? Do I have to download the torrent containing the whole second batch of songs again?
  6. Does the second batch of torrents increase? The 1000-1600? If so, then how do I go about downloading the new songs without downloading the torrent? Is there an update section here or something? PS. Sorry for being such a nub.
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