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Xenocrates Luna

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Posts posted by Xenocrates Luna

  1. I was looking around my files and found this old project of mine. Question is should I go forward with it?

    As Advance Wars fans may notice it also includes a small section of Lash's Theme.

    *Notice: This is in no way a final version and I'm going for a rewrite if you like it as it is.

    I'm expecting your opinion and will work on it on the next days if positive.


  2. (As you might have noticed by now, I have a lot of free time these days lol.)

    June 3rd:

    Still not sure what to do with the melody synth so I'm leaving it as it is for now. Minor changes and a nice re-arrangement at around 2:24.

    Listen and comment... and have fun. :<


  3. June 2nd:

    Played a little bit more with the tune... some more beef added.

    Aware that some parts need fixing, need some help on that, please point out times and thing, you know the drill.

    Thanks on feedback and I'll keep on working.


    One luv, Xeno.

  4. I got this put together one day. I was bored and in a sluggish mood, you'll get the idea.

    Nevertheless, it sounds sorta mmmkay to me, but I'd appreciate some feedback.

    • June 1st: done some more minor fixing and will provide link to the new WIP soon.



    (best I could get, despite the actual FX from game, if anyone knows a reliable source for this same song, I'd appreciate a link)

    One luv, Xeno.

  5. Thank you all for your feedback, it is really appreciated.

    Regarding this WIP, I'm gonna work hard on it, I know there's still much to do.

    The song does feel broken, but it's my work style. I put whatever I fancy and when it sounds like it's almost put together, I completely rewrite it. I haven't gone back to check the source myself yet (it blocks my arrangement powers lol), so might as well you might find a totally improved thing. So expect v.B2 soon and I hope it overcomes your expectations.

    One luv, Xeno.

  6. Yes, it is incredibly repetitive.

    But it is also sooooo amazing, it has an amazing groove and rhythm. I've listened to it over 12 times in the last 2 hours and I can't still get enough of it.

    Just about it.

    Yes!! Exactly that was what I was trying to create.

    So thank you all for your comments, I've been working on this every now and then and I have the pleasure of presenting thee the latest version:

    Sturmed the HQ(v2.1) - by Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna

    Major Update Warning!!!

    October 6th. 2008

    Sturmed the HQ(v.B) - by Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna

    Ok, so you've heard v2.1, but there was a little something that I didn't quite feel about it myself :S ...in short, it was too messy.

    So I remade a WHOLE lot of things and came up with the henceforth known as the "B"-side.

    So it's up to you to vote for your favorite now.

    The original, or the B version?

    October 7th. 2008

    Sturmed the HQ(v.B[FINAL]) - by Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna

    Let me know what you think. This is the properly finished B version.

  7. A little arrangement of Sturm's theme, a dub/club mix? I don't know. You tell me. I just went into a rampage and came up with this in 2 days. I'm very pleased with this track.

    *Before anyone starts complaining, mind that it is meant to be repetitive (since Sturm's theme is just a 1 minute loop, a club/dub/whatever mix is all that I could come up with).

    Listen & comment so I may update and (maybe someday) submit it.

    Sturmed the HQ - by Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna

    Ah, yes... it does feature the CO Power jingle from the first Advance Wars... I felt nostalgic, so what? :roll:

    *I forgot, just so that you know, I know next to zero about EQ and 'Mastering' and whatever. I just get the feel of a song and draw the outline in Fruity Loops. I do try to play with the internal EQs and limiters and whatnot so that it doesn't sound like a bunch of muddy sounds just punishing your eardrums, but I like loudness in my stuff. Critical and positive reviews accepted nonetheless, and if someone could help me with that technical part, It'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time, peace & respect to my fellow mixers out there.

  8. My fellow remixers, I invite you to the task of remixing some of the tracks of this great series. Since the first days of Advance Wars, the thing I enjoyed the most besides the simple gameplay yet tough strategy involved, was the music.

    With a wide array of tracks: from jazz to techno to orchestrated themes to plain rock, there's a wide selection and a world of possibilities to try.

    Please join me in this request and let's try our best to ensure this beautiful OST gets the appreciation it deserves. Thank you.

  9. So... maybe none of you have ever heard of the JoJo series. Probably never ever will again. But it was a 2D fighting game that came out for PSX. The characters were so bizarre I was instantly hooked to the series and many years later found out it was a very famous manga in Japan (well.. everyone saw that coming lol).

    The tracks for the game weren't all that great, but some of those none-longer-than-2-minutes loops were actually quite catchy. Today I provide you with my WIP of Joseph Joestar's theme.

    It's hard to find the OST.. so I'll provide a link to the original as soon as I find it... for yet about the 6th time in my life u_u *sigh*

    Ah and for those inquiring minds, it's no kiddy comic. These guys are seriously bizarre. [Highly recommended!]

    *Does not harm morals and/or good manners & customs in any way.

    Link to my WIP: "Legends Never Die"

  10. Thing is music can both enhace or completely mess up your experience. If a game is bad I won't play it, but if it's music is good, I'll get the OST.

    For example: In fighting games, music is a MUST. Every character must have a personal track that goes with his story, personality and whatnot, IMO, while it must be that kind of rocking music that makes you want to beat the shit out of your opponent.

    Very few games achieve this, and ranking 1st in my personal opinion is Guilty Gear. Excellent music, goes along with the atmosphere, matches the characters. It is GREAT.

    Now, going to FPS. Think CoD4: simple loops, very little music in-game, which serves as an enhacer of the dramatic moment, as an intro to a cutscene and is all in all, very well used. But it fits the experience. You are a soldier. You have no music.

    On the other hand, Halo. Beautifully arranged masterpieces serve as musical ambient while you save the world. But hey, that's not realistic. You could enjoy it, or make it realistic. So then music is in Halo an added replay value, while on CoD4 it is a very practical game experience enhacer.

    To finish my opinion, I must point out that there are games where

    a) Music doesn't fit the ambient

    B) It's repetitive, sounds horrible, or has just no reason at all to exist (not helping the thrill of the moment, not good as ambient, no nothing)

    c) Music just plain sucks.

    And then what you must do is turn down the Music's volume in-game or press Mute.

    Bottom line: Music CAN enhace or tone down a game, depending on the way you want to experience it. If the music per se is just shitty, then throw the game away.

  11. Hi. Victor 'Xenocrates' Luna here.

    I've been a fan of OcR for long, VGM represents a large part of my playlists and I've enjoyed a lot of games because of the music rather than the game itself.

    I'm down with the creative stuff, like drawing and composing and the like. Though I'm not that much of an expert and remixing, I'm up with self-improvement and will post one or two ideas that I expect you enjoy and help me refine. Thanks and if you need something (like someone to chat with, an opinion or just goof around), think Xenocrates ;D

  12. IMHO, any video game movie would be as overrated and out-of-context as current super hero movies. Whether it be TLoZ, Metroid or Halo.

    They just wouldn't keep up with the expectations and would leave all fans with that empty feeling, something along the lines of "Well.. it could've been better, it could've been like the game, they could've done this or that..."

    Despite creativity, special effects, music scores and what not (which would be astonishing, I agree) they just can't take the universe we've all enjoyed and fought through in our consoles and take that feeling of excitement to a movie, were you don't feel as part of a world at all, but rather feel like a powerless spectator. It just won't be the same, they couldn't please everyone with the outcome so IMO, game movies shouldn't be made.

  13. Hi everyone, I joined recently and am very happy to have done so.

    The name's Viktor or just call me Xeno, whatever suits your fancy.

    I love game music, it's heavily the reason why I get to play some games (for the sole reason of having a kick ass music) and IMHO Overclocked Remix has also played an important part of this with its top notch remixes AND remixers.

    I've recently uploaded my first submission in the WIP's & Releases sub forum, the thread's title is "Let's go trance" should you want to check out what I'm into.

    I'm somewhat a very curious guy, and like to get involved deeply in things that interest me. Thanks to you guys, remixing is now part of who I am, and I'm very interested in improving and making the best out of this experience. Hope to talk to ya soon, and eager to hear from you, Viktor 'Xenocrates' Luna. :)

  14. Thank you for your comments. (:

    I'm well aware of the loudness of the siren thingy, and the lack of beef in the drums. Since it's gonna take me some time to fix that, I'm leaving it 'till the end. So far I've come up with something really interesting and will post a link as soon as it uploads.

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