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Everything posted by Sick16

  1. Hey gang! Thanks for all the sleepless nights! lol I just stumbled across the site about a week ago and, wow, just wow. Incredible music, insightful reviews, friendly community...where have you guys been all my life? As far as myself, I'm taking my first tottering steps into the whole MIDI camp. *Stands up* "My name is Justin, and I...I'm a recovering .mod tracker. But I've been clean for almost six months now. Thank you." *Sits* Right now, I'm just window shopping software. (Looking at the FL demo currently. Looks nice, but where are my hard-coded hex values?) I just wanted to pop in and wave, and toss kudos out to everyone. Other than that, I guess I'll just ease my way in, and hopefully I'll have something spiffy to put up here in a bit. (Wait...are those actual music notes? Like...real ones?) @~}~~
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